baby pictures

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

This is cross-listed with the Northeast forum - but I had to show off to folks living in warmer areas that we have some green emerging ('though not planted outside yet). Today it is about 42 degrees outside, so I took the sweet peas outside for some sun. Once it cools down, they will return to an unheated room on the third floor. Tomorrow it is supposed to snow some more (March - in like a lion, out like a lamb).

Thumbnail by Seandor
(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Great seedlings! Hey, we'll take our green where we can get it - or wherever we can take it to, right?

What else have you started?

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

I actually thought Spring was here (albeit early), but boy was I surprised!!! We have 2-3 inches of snow and it's snowing again!!! Craziest weather we've had in years and years. I did just buy one of those little mini portable greenhouses, but haven't put it together yet. Hope to do it within the next few days - in the garage.

I'm impressed, Seandor, and I adore Sweet Peas!!!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

thanks for your kind words. Well - the seedlings look good - but we'll wait and see how they take off a month from now when they get placed in the garden :-)

I grew fabulous sweet peas with no effort when we lived in Kamloops, BC. But I have yet to grow them successfully in Massachusetts.

Meanwhile, I have started LOTS of things - or more accurately, I have winter-sowed lots of things. Nothing has germinated yet, and many of the containers are under snow right now. I am particularly hopeful that the digitalis (foxgove) and the delphiniums germinate. Please cross your fingers for me lol.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Consider them crossed!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks! If anything germinates I will send pictures. I expect it will be a year or so before the perennials bloom. I have lots of Persian Jewel seeds (aka Love-in-a-Mist) seeds to toss about until perennials fill in.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Here are my Sweetpeas...I'm just going to set the pot on top of the garden and call it a day (instead of planting them.)

Thumbnail by Illoquin
Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Ooops, wrong picture and wrong orientation. Try this one.

Thumbnail by Illoquin
Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

What a great idea! Maybe I should do that with some of mine :-)

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I love sweet peas, and both starts look good!

Illoquin, I like that idea!

Sweetpeas grew in the yard of a woman a couple houses up from me when I was a kid. It was a small trellis and not too full. I would look at them and I never forgot that I liked them. It was one thing my Mom didn't have.

Morrinsville ~Waikat, New Zealand

I adore sweet peas ,and hope you will show us more photos .I used to grow them as a child ...We have a lot of trees around here and mine have not done very well at all in the shade..
Did you know that Sweetpeas were the Queen mother's favourite flower ?

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

No, I didn't know the Emelle. I was only successful in germinating 44 out of 108 seeds I planted. I think the Winter Elegance seeds required warmer temperatures than I could provide - and I probably overwatered them. In any case, those seeds rotted. The others - all the smaller flowered, old fashioned sweet peas are thriving. I keep pinching them out so they won't be too lanky when I plant them in the backgarden. That won't happen until April. So I probably started them too early.

As soon as they are planted, I will start taking pictures. I planted sweet peas because I love their scent. I am waiting for wallflower seeds to arrive - they have a fabulous scent as well :-)

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I ordered from Thompson and Morgan because I got 10.00 off. Whoo hoo! Forgetfulness pays sometimes. I sent for ''Elegant Ladies'' and ''America'' sweet peas. I have no idea where to put the trellis, but luckily, I think both are annuals. Someday I'll go for the perennials.

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