Save me, just bought A. swazicum and A. multiflorum

West Orange, NJ(Zone 6a)

I just have this to say in my defense: I couldn't help myself! I'm putting them with my A. obesum, should make a nice display on my office credenza. The Chinese and Taiwanese people who work here come in and know right away what the A. obesum is, even when it was bald they knew. Most of them must have grafted ones, because they tell me that mine should give me different colored flowers on different branches.

Do any of these self-pollinate? If not, does anyone know what should be done to pollinate? thanks.

Bay Area, CA(Zone 9b)

Just imagine when all of them happen to bloom together in your office, you'll be relieved nobody "saved" you from buying them.

From my not-so-extensive research and experience, Adeniums do self-pollinate, but you can hand pollinate them as well, let say if you want to hybridize them. Hopefully someone more experienced will be able to give you more thorough answer.

West Orange, NJ(Zone 6a)

Yes it sure will be pretty when they do bloom together. I just want to get seeds to trade.

West Orange, NJ(Zone 6a)

They are here! I just potted them up, will post pictures when they look interesting.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

another place to order adeniums which is good is:

West Orange, NJ(Zone 6a)

Already did, Harry Potter will come to me next month along with some name Euphorbia millis and a cute terrestrial orchid, a Spaphiglottis in apricot. BT is a great vendor, don't get me wrong, but Brian has only A. obesum right now, although he is carrying a lot of named cultivars. I wanted other species of Adenium, in particular A. multiflorum, which no one else seems to have. Even Snowbelt Adeniums has been out of A. multiflorum, seed and plants for a long time (and I keep bugging Phil about it).

Bay Area, CA(Zone 9b)

Would love to see pics of them sometime.

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