Any pictures of mealybus/mites on Desert Roses?

Belleville, MI

I hear they are the number one bugs on these plants other than the oleander bugs. I would like to see some pics of some plants with the mealy bugs on them. I hear they distort the Desert Rose leaves, pics ony one? Thanks!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Hah - I never let them live long enough to take pictures! If I see a trace of the little buggers I bring out the alcohol bottle and drench them! So far I have been lucky and none on the caudiciforms, just some cactus seemed to be bothered for a while - them be gone now thanx to BATS and lots and lots of alcohol!

West Orange, NJ(Zone 6a)

Bec, do you spray the alcohol or Q-tip them?

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Depending - I start out with a q-tip, but invariably I go to spray, just depends on what C&S it is. I have some Fero's that were extremely hard to get rid of them little buggers on, I think I sprayed them on & off for a month! But, I have also had more tender/smaller plants I have just used the q-tips on! I also water everything every 6 mos with BATS for the root-mealies and gnats!

West Orange, NJ(Zone 6a)

Does BATS have any odor? I assume it is safe for indoor use? I've been using Bonide's systemic by my lovely daughters do complian of the sulfur smell (which dissipates after a couple of days but who needs to listen to their whining in the meanwhile).

Bay Area, CA(Zone 9b)

BATS don't have odor, but you have to let it drench thoroughly outdoor. The packaging don't encourage indoor use, but many people still use it anyway and all of them advised the same thing, let it drain thoroughly outside before bringing the plants back inside. I only use this treatment for badly infested plants, and when bringing them back indoor, I make sure that kids and pets can't reach it, just for a safety precaution. Hope this helps a bit.

edited to add: BATS do have odor when you just mix them, but once you pour it on the soil, it's odorless.

This message was edited Feb 27, 2007 11:35 AM

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

BK is right - no odor - but, I didn't bring plants outside, just watered away! However, I have no kids and I had the windows wide open :~)
I had a serious gnat problem, and it dissapeared with BATS :-) I hate gnats nearly as much as mealies!

West Orange, NJ(Zone 6a)

Can't use BATS then, have birds. Can only use what's allowed for indoor use. Will keep looking. Thanks.

Belleville, MI

Ok, i'll bite what's BATS?

Bay Area, CA(Zone 9b)

Bayer Advanced Tree and Shrub

I've also used for mealy bugs on my adeniums the Bayer Advanced all-in-1 Rose & Flower care, also a systemic bug killer. Diluted with water at 1 oz per gallon, drenched around the roots area.

These products work well for mealies and aphids.

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