What species could my iris be?

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I bought some unlabeled irises I'm trying to determine if they may be Louisana, Japanese, flag or other. I know they're probably not siberian or bearded since I see no rhizone. The crown is round but not bulging like bearded or sib. The grass blades are fairly wide; Not thin like Africian Iris. Must I wait until they bloom? I was hoping to plant them at the water's edge of a pond. I don't have much experience with irises. Guess you can tell.

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Most not all beardless will do okay with more moisture than the bearded do. As long as they are not soaking wet you should still be okay to plant them next to your pond. Even some bearded if you provide enough drainage and they can dry out can do ok.

Can't wait for pics

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Can you post a picture of the plants? Sometimes they can be identified even if they are not in flower....

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Hope someone can tell. Looks to me there may be more than one kind.

Thumbnail by Cordeledawg
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

There are so many different irises these could be from LAs to versicolor to.....
But they do look like beardless (grasslike leaves)
I would leave them alone until they bloom then plant them

Lebanon, OR

feel the leave. If it has a rib in it that says they are Japanese


Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Four of the five pots have a rib running through the middle of the leaves. Great! Learned something new today. These must be Japanese. The other pot has thinner smooth leaves.

Lebanon, OR

The smooth ones could be siberian, versi, species, vesper. Keep them watered in the pots and wait until they bloom would be what I would do.


Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

If the ones with the rib open up yellow then they are I. pseudocorus... a close relative of Japanese iris.

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I'll keep them in their pots and wait for blooms. I'll post pictures when they do.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Can't wait to see them Deb! Did you take pictures of the purple ones blooming? My Great Aunt's....I think you are the one that told me they were already blooming in South Georgia...right...would love to see them!

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Yes Janet, the TB irises that had one early bloom was from the group/clump from your great Aunt. Boo hoo, I forgot to get a picture. When the rest bloom I'll proudly take pictures! I'm so ready to see all of the plants you gave me bloom. Your forysthia cuttings bloomed in the house. I planted those at the edge of the pond the other day. It's your blooming gardens that I can't wait to see pictures.
These grassy-type irises are a real mystery to me. I think with the info I just received on this thread, I can idenitfy the Jap. The others I'll take pictures of the blooms for an ID.

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Here's the beginning of a bloom from one of the grassy-type irises. It does have a rib in the middle of the blade. Could it be a Japanese Iris?

Thumbnail by Cordeledawg

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