Tragedy - averted- (I hope) for Meyer Lemon Tree

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi friends. Have been worried lately about my indoor lemon tree. It was dropping leaves and had horrible flying gnat-like insects surrounding it. I added another grow light, but it still looked sad. I think it had the beginnings of root rot.

Yesterday, I removed it from its beautiful terra cotta pot with just one drainage hole and repotted it in a funky plastic pot with a ton of holes. New much lighter soil, with sand and perlite mixed in. Coconut husks bits on top (came with the tree back in October), and skewers to keep the kitties from invading.

It is holding on to all its leaves, the tiny flying insects are gone and I think things will improve from here. Meanwhile, it is awaiting warmer times when it will venture outside. Wish us luck.

Thumbnail by brooklynbird
Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Good luck!

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Good luck. Have you had this one for long?
I had a grapefruit tree I started from seed when I was a kid. It lived until I joined the service, maybe 10 years. It was about the size of your lemon when I last saw it.
Andy P

(Zone 4a)

Good luck - I hope it hangs in there.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks all for your wishes. This guy is a 2 year old from the grower, I've only had him about five months.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I do hope it makes it. I'm probably going to get one when it warms up.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Brooklyn, My indoor tree gets leaf drop in the winter on a regular basis. It's alarming but never lethal.

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

This is my first year with citrus trees in the house over the winter. I have 2 lemons and an orange tree. I already lost the key lime due to a really bad case of scale. I've noticed some leaf drop on the lemon trees, but the orange is just growing gangbusters. My problem is that I tend to overwater...
BTW - I was at the Orangerie at Tower Hill Botanic garden this past Sunday and I could not believe how the scent of the lemon blossoms could fill the room!

Danbury, CT(Zone 6a)

I have a lemon tree. I've only had him for a year or so. He was only a little stick with five leaves when I got him. He did nothing the first winter. Then he went outside for the summer and grew a lot. Brought him back inside for the winter and he blossomed and lost most of his leaves. Then about a couple of weeks ago, lots of new leaves started sprouting and more blossoms. So I think leaf drop is okay. I think the days getting longer again may have trigger the new leaf growth. I was worried too, but everything seems okay.

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

I have my two lemon trees under a flourescent grow light. They are only about 11" tall.... both have new leaves since being put under the light.....
Hopefully I'll get blooms next year. I can't wait!

Danbury, CT(Zone 6a)


the scent of the blossoms is wonderful. Just a few can fill the room (my home office) with the aroma. It's pretty exciting when you do get blossoms. I hope it happens for you soon.

I also have a tray of pebbles with some water under the pot, as brooklynbird does in her picture. The water does not water the plant. It evaporates and adds some humidity to the dry air.


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