Not Cherry Nymph..

Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Well guess what, another mis-named bulb! I'm thinking it's Orange Sovereign as it seems too orangey to be Red Lion.

Thumbnail by kniphofia
Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Lovely colour though kniph, it looks to have good texture to the petals too. What I thought were striations on looking closer look to be raised, I like it!

Does the throat have a dark colour or is it just shaded?

I would agree with your ID of Orange Sovereign,

Makes you wonder what the wholesalers are thinking...
I had a pile of switcheroos this year.

Mobile, AL

Makes you wonder if they even care...

It sure creates a lot of confusion when we are trying to show off our beauties, and they are labeled differently than they really are.

It's also quite disappointing when you really want a specific variety and get something quite different.

Kniph, Did you ever manage to get a real 'Picotee'?

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I think they are mixed up before they get to the sellers. It started last year for me. Luckily I bought several from JScheepers and they have replaced them, so I have increased my collection exponentially for free. No complaints here. But I gave up on Melusine after 2 years of trying and have a credit instead. I also got a cybister by mistake-and that started me in a new direction. Mixed blessing. If you really want a specific one these days, it's best to get it in bloom.

Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Yes this one was in a box I got at a supermarket.

I don't think the throat is necessarily dark, just darker if you know what I mean. All 4 flowers on the stem were open today. It has a very glittery aspect to it.

Thumbnail by kniphofia

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