mqiq ... I hit the motherload

Comer, GA(Zone 7b)

I just gained access to a horse stable within 3 miles of my house, unlimited composted and raw horse manure, I just brought home a FULL truck load in my Toyota on Saturday,in excess of 1/2 ton,could I interest you in a lil trading , maybe some manure for some of those lovely worms you have sooooo many of?or just bring a few buckets to the party today and I could probly spare a miniscule amount to get you started

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

I'll check..Maybe so.M

Make sure you rot your horse manure well. Horse manure can carry a ton of weed seeds. I let it sit until the inside isn't steaming anymore.
Horse manure is great stuff. People often say not to use it because of shavings.
Shavings is why it is so GREAT!
The shavings neutralize some of the nitrogen in the manure, making it an excellent soil ammender.


Mcdonough, GA(Zone 7b)

Every so often the horsepark in Conyers will give away horse manure, or at least they used to. You bring your truck, and they have a front-end loader to fill 'er up. I got a nice truckbed full a few years ago.

Comer, GA(Zone 7b)

actually I'm experimenting with several composting methods.First I used my leaf vacuum and shredded brown leaves and stirred them in with a wheelbarrow load of manure and put it in a black plastic bin used for composting (shredded paper on the very bottom). Second I simply dug a row and buried manure with whole leaves mixed in with it. And third I used another compost bin and shredded leaves and began with paper then leaves then manure but here I added plain Ga red clay and sand . I'll keep you posted as to how it compost.

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