Big Feb Storm

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

What's happening in your area ? This thing is affecting a large part of the country.
We started off the day with rain, turned to sleet & ice, not bad, though. Late this afternoon it started snowing. We have a couple inches on top of the junk during the day. Wind has been fairly strong out of the east all day.

Anyone have the bad stuff like tornadoes or ice ?


Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Heard of some tornadoes further south, Bernie. We are high and dry today, but scheduled to get the snow, sleet, ice tomorrow morning here in Central Pa. Stay safe,

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

We had tornadoes 12 southeast of me over an hour ago. 2 radar indicated ones. Damage to houses and other buildings. So far as I know no major damage where I work and I have several friends there and so far I haven't heard anything so I am assuming they are ok, miminal to no damage and no injuries. Got heavy rains and a double rainbow here. Some thunder and lightning. Will change over to snow later on though. Will be gone by noon if the weathermen are correct.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Snow is coming down real good now. Weather forecast just said it will snow until Sunday evening. About 6" on the ground already.

(GayLynn) Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Snow is starting to taper off for a bit until we get another batch this afternoon. Had blizzard conditions last night with howling winds. We have about 8 inches of snow so far with another 6 - 8 inches coming a bit later today. Temps not too bad, we are around 28º right now. Everybody stay safe! Ü

Hometown, IL(Zone 5a)

Here in Northern Illinois, we're currently getting a lot of sleet. It's really icy on the side streets, although the main roads aren't too bad. We also got some snow overnight. It's in the 20's.
I like Winter, but I'm really ready for Spring!

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Very cloudy, "Intellicast radar" shows snow and freezing rain to the north and east of here. []

High is only supposed to get to 39° today but it will hold w/ an expected low of 37° tonight and be in the lower 50's tomorrow (just in time for returning to work).

Raining here now - also ready for spring - It will happen again this year won't it?

Jim Falls, WI(Zone 4a)

We've been lucky. No rain or sleet just lots of snow and gusts to 30 mph. Maybe 12 inches of snow. Could be more. Hard to tell.

This is DH's second day of plowing.

Thumbnail by ves522
(GayLynn) Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

My winter wonderland this morning.

Thumbnail by staceysmom
Jim Falls, WI(Zone 4a)

Staceysmom that look so tranquil!

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

Not to bad here yet lots of wind and light snow It's to cold to rain will have to see what happens the rest of the day thay say lots of snow the wind chimes are realy ringing.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Wow, some folks in Iowa may be without power for over 3 days... I would think so - it says: "We've got close to 2,500 poles down — over 500 miles of line down."

and: More than 83,000 customers were without power Sunday morning in Illinois, utilities said. Crews for Mid American Energy reported ice 2 inches thick coating power lines in Illinois' Mercer County,

Wow this thing is leaving a real mess behind. Sidney looks like you went straight north in time for winter.

oh, yeah the link to the news item: didn't work I took it out.

This message was edited Feb 25, 2007 6:08 PM

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Ice and snow in the plains and up north, tornadoes, high wind, and floods in central midwest and southern states. One heck of a storm. And I don't remember ever having a tornado in February here.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

That first link didn't work try this one:

(GayLynn) Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

ves522 it was very tranquil until everyone woke up and started digging them selves out..... then all you could hear were snow blowers all over the neighborhood! We were lucky, blizzard conditions with the snow and wind but no ice or floods or tornadoes. The snow has now started up again with another 4" exepected tonight on top of the 10" already in the yard.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

You are starting to sound like NY. lol

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

We started with a bit of sleet, followed by freezing rain the rest of the day, with wind. We only lost power from 9:00 pm to 1:30 am. Very lucky! I had the satellite on when the power went off and it got toasted. I saw but didn't hear pink lightning, three times. Sunday we picked up almost all the small branches and scooped slush off the driveway. The 1/2'' of ice had melted off everything overnight.

Blooms, you're right, even today, a few more days without power for some. I feel for them!

Ice off the tree.

Thumbnail by billyporter
Jim Falls, WI(Zone 4a)

They have a winter storm warning out from 6 tonight till 6 on friday night. We will see if the old saying is true this year. In like a lion and out like a lamb.Or in like a lamb and out like a lion. I prefer the first way.

Who all is this suppose to cover?

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)


Jim Falls, WI(Zone 4a)

Country Gardens you made me smile. I'm picturing you standing outside covered in snow! LOL Takes very little to amuse me at times.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

I am standing there waiting. Got to make sure the weather liars know what they are talking about.
On the weather channel, our weekend storm didn't get much coverage on the weather channel, but when it got out "East" boy was it a great big affair. They were going to get an inch or two in NY city & Washington DC. What a load of cr--!

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Happens up here too Bernie........we hit the -40's, have a blizzard of the century, 5 freeze to death because of it and they will talk about it for 3 minutes. When it hits the East they will talk about it for days.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Country, I feel the same way. I need the weather channel and I hate it! Weather liars!

Our bit of sleet and rain has already moved out of here. There is no more south of us now. Windy and overcast.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Getting nasty here. Blowing snow & poor visibility.
We are ready, plenty of food & drink on hand.
Enough fuel to stay warm.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Storms are supposed to hit tonight. Strong storms with isolated tornadoes and starting in the morning turning into snow. We are as prepared as we can be.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

pepper, hang on tight. It looks scarey in your neighborhod on the weather liars channel.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Supercells all aorund me but nothing major hit here. Right now the wind is HOWLING.

DFW area, TX(Zone 7b)

I just got done saying a prayer for all of you in harms way.
Hope you have nothing to report and you're all safe.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Not much going on here. Little misty rain last evening. It melted some of the snow we had in the afternoon. Temp is 32º. Light wind.

Jim Falls, WI(Zone 4a)

We had a couple of inches of snow when I went to bed at 1 this morning. It was blowing good all night.

Right now it is either a fine snow or sleet. I haven't stuck my head out the door yet to check for sure.

Jim Falls, WI(Zone 4a)

We had a couple of inches of snow when I went to bed at 1 this morning. It was blowing good all night.

Right now it is either a fine snow or sleet. I haven't stuck my head out the door yet to check for sure.


Jim Falls, WI(Zone 4a)

We had a couple of inches of snow when I went to bed at 1 this morning. It was blowing good all night.

Right now it is either a fine snow or sleet. I haven't stuck my head out the door yet to check for sure.

Having problems with the internet again. Will try sending this again. So if you get a duplicate"sorry"

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Should change this to Big March Storm!
I-90 just closed from South Dakota to Wisconsin. Hwy #60 by us is also closing at 1 PM. These highways have gates & flashing signs. If you go around them you can be fined $700.
I don't know why anybody would want to go anyhow.

Thumbnail by CountryGardens
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Bernie, at the moment - I am counting my many blessings - among them - that I am not farther north - stay dry & warm.

(Zone 3b)

That's quite a storm system down there. Hope you all stay safe.
Here, the winds are howling, but it's a sunny 11*F, no snow mixing with the wind. W/chill of Minus 11*F
CountryGardens, the photo says it all.

Jim Falls, WI(Zone 4a)

I've been outside twice today to do some shoveling and play with the dog. Took this picture at about 4:30 this afternoon. Excuse the flash. It's automatic and I didn't want to stick my head out the door yet.

This is the front yard and driveway.

Thumbnail by ves522
(Zone 3b)

ves522 - looks as if it's starting to pile up. Can you put off shoveling till it's over?

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Do we have members who are in that sweep across the south the tornados are raising so much h***?

Minnesota michigan Wisconsin all catching the snow and ice
The Weather Channel has me hooked all day.

Those poor people in Alabama and more storms approaching the same area as I type.

Jim Falls, WI(Zone 4a)

Kiska I can put off the shoveling but it's fun to throw at the dog. He loves it. Yesterday I tried to get the weather channel and it was untitled and wouldn't come in. Never tried again after that. Those poor people with the tornados! I'll take the snow any day.

(Zone 3b)

ves522 - going through a tornado would be just awful. So sorry for all those who lost family.
Still snowing there?

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