Daphne with problems or??

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Forgot where I saw the "Daphne" thread yestyerday but decided to post my pic and question here anyway. In my Ga gardening innocence I purchased 2 winter-daphne's. At Home Depot (for maybe $ 7 or $9, they're pretty small of course). I did read up on them (before I bought them) and think I did okay with planting. But one of them gets somewhat yellowish leaves. Is this a dog "helping" with watering???? or have I bungled up with something??? They smell great, are still blooming, so I was very proud of myself..but now I'm not so sure anymore.
Anybody ideas?

Thumbnail by TulipLady
Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)

When did you plant this? Mine does not like to stay wet or have too much sun.

Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

They don't look too bad, Tulip.
Perhaps just a bit of transplant adaptation. As mentioned in other threads, daphnes like morning sun; afternoon shade; well-drained soil. If you have given them those requirements, I'd just go talk to them a lot. I bet they'll do just fine.

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

I have a question, tuliplady, did the area you planted the daphne in have leaves that were dug into the soil??, if so, the (this season ) leaves will be using nitrogen from the soil to break down. and the soil is slack on nitrogen, whitch will give a yellow effect to the plant.I wouldn't panic, it will not kill it always, and there is good old mirical grow. Mike

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

uuuh, let me see. they were planted in oct.
they are in front yard, which is somewhat N. It has morning sun (from over the house ) at 10.0am and then late afternoon for 1-2 hours. So, not too hot and sunny.
Well, they were indeed planted in an area that had not been attended to for long time. So, there good have been a lot compost (if you will) in the ground. But I dug up the ground and tilled it by hand, mixed it with turf, fresh soil mixed into light soil. Topped it with topsoil. Kept leaves off thru leave-season.
I guess it could be dog-stuff, right?
The leaves are still very shiny and feel "crispy".I was going to feed fert. (10-10-10) in 1 month.
Wadya think, they'll live?

Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

You know, Tulip. It does look like a male dog might have annointed it!
My gut says it will do ok. This was a rough winter because of the drastic temperature changes, and if you just planted the daphne last fall, I think it looks fine.
Here are some pix of our mama-plant that I took this year. jI deliberately got some of the trunk so you could see the leaves and pinestraw and such that it's growing in.

Thumbnail by GeorgiaJo
Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I think so too Jo, maybe I will make a small fence around the spot, just high enough so dogs cannot just wonder in. Some owners just don't care! We have a dog too and yes they LOVE to go into areas around the mailboxes etc. we ALWAYS pull him out, cause there's plenty of space for him to pee elsewhere. But I guess most people don't pay attention or think that one dog's pee doesn't hurt it. But if one goes there ALL male dogs HAVE to go there too!
Your plant looks absolutely beautifull btw, how old is it? Have you ever tried (I am sure you have) making cuttings from it? What and how did you do it?
Are you coming to the Roundup in May too?

Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

I guess our daphne is 15 years old or so. I planted it in ignorance, having seen a plant at Pikes and thinking -- wow, how nice to have something bloom in the winter. It was many months later before I read that they're "difficult"; I wouldn't have bought it had I known this before. But this one has really been easy (and,btw, has survived many many dogs). To tell you the truth, I don't think I have EVER fertilized it; didn't even water it during the drought. I do confess to talking to it a lot, and I do sort of pet it at times (like when heavy blankets of pine needles). Other than that, I'm so afraid of killing it that I just let it be.
As to cuttings - yes, I have tried. But it seems that when I try the hardest they don't make it and when I just ignore them they do. This year, I'm having a bit of success with just sticking flower heads in water. I don't do well trying to propogate from the woody parts though.
The Roundup is a bit far for me (I don't get out much), but think I might try to make it after all. If so, will certainly bring some daphne!

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

GeorgiaJo, well when you get there, take an extra Daphne for me will you? As I mentioned on the Georg. Gardening forum(Round up thread) I have nothing to give but excellent homemade cookies! And a big THANK YOU of course.

Cordele, GA

It looks as if only the lower and older leaves are affected. It may just be a case of the newer growth acting as a hormone sink and pulling most of the available nutrients. Unless this developed suddenly, I would recommend watching and waiting before taking any drastic measures. Keep a watch on new growth for signs of deficiencies.


Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Beth, yesterday, the plant looked a little more yellowish I thought, but not more leaves. Should I prune the tops off, so more nutrients can go to main plant? Or just wait until bloom period is over (which is when ??) and then prune. The other one seems fine, nice dark green leaves. Of course I don't know how much manage they got today with that rain all day!


Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

Hi Coby,

I have to disagree with the folks who say your daphne will be fine. After having lost way too many daphnes, I have to say that I have never had one that survived after turning yellow. Even though the leaves are still shiny, I think its a goner. You might want to take a cutting or two, but think seriously about taking it back to the store and getting another one while they still have them for sale.


Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Carmen, you serious? I can take plants back? I do not have the receipts anymore but both have the HomeDepot plant nametag on. I just went outside to check and the one is def.more yellow now and also the other is beginning to pale out some (the bottom half of the plant) This is not what is supposed to happen? After all it is a winter bloomer, so it's not time to go dormant???

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

Daphnes don't go dormant. They are evergreen. I don't know all of the rules of Home Depot, but if it has the Home Depot name on it, you might give it a try with the yellower one. From not on, keep all of your receipts! I have an envelope with them just in case. I do know that Home Depot guarantees their plants for one year, but without a receipt they may not know when you bought them. Did you by any chance charge them? If so, they may be able to track them with your credit card.

Good luck, and keep us posted.


Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I decided to give these 2 another shot. I carefully raked the soil around them a bit, then sprinkled some 10-10-10 fertil. on it and some more fresh top soil. Cut of the yellow flowers. I just thought that since it's a winter bloomer maybe it "looses" al its energy to flowering iso keeping leaves green. I'll wait 2 weeks, see what happens. I will go back to HomeDepot if it doesn't help. Even without a receipt, I can always try.

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