All-in-one Supplement & Washing blankets

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

I'm at home, on dial-up, so forgive me for not posting the questions seperately. It would take 20 minutes probalby to get them up seperate.

What's a good all-in-one? I had Chewie on Equinyl CM & NuImage for joint & coat, took him off for winter, will probalby need to start back up again this summer. Now he needs something for hoof growth, too. I can't justify paying $100 a month in supplements for one horse by the time I buy them all seperately. I see there are all-in-ones that have joint, hoof, and coat all in one tub.... Who makes the best one? Anybody know?

Next question... planning to wash mid-weight blankets at a laundromat this morning if I can find one that's not staffed (so they can't see me putting horse stuff in the washers)... Cold water with only a little detergent, right? Biggest front-loader I can find, right? One blanket per washer, or can I put them together? (Both are mid-weight, 150-200g fill, one's a 75, the other's an 81 or 84, I can't remember what the Chew moose wears..)

Answer, please? Sorry for the brevity.... I hate dial up at home.. hoping to crash at a bookstore with wireless this evening after I get some good riding in. I also need to find glue for gluing on shoes (or boots I can keep on him & still ride), so if anybody knows anything about specialty shoeing - glue, I'm all ears there too.

Saw where hay is costing somebody $14 a bale.. Holy toledo! I thought my coastal at $7.50 a bale yesterday was bad. Geez.... Farrier-friend sold me some at $5 a bale, and it's good enough, but not great quality. Couldn't connect with him to get more, so I bought 5 from the feed store at the $7.50 cost. Looking forward to getting more hay from the farrier fellow. He and his gf (who is also my horse-riding gf .... long weird story why they're together now, but they are) are going to house-sit for those three days while I'm at the big work meeting in March. Hopefully he'll bring oodles of hay then & fill my barn up. I can't stack it worth a tar...

In other news, I'm back to being single, by choice. So it's a weekend of pouting, reanalyzing my decision, desperately wondering if I screwed up or not, and burying myself in housework & horse-work hoping to get distracted sufficiently.

Geez I babbled.. so sorry... Please answer ... quick-like? I'm gonna go hop in the shower, and come back after...

Windy windy windy outside... yuck! I hate seing leaning tree branches.. YUCK

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