Agastaches & Salvias I'm Getting Thru Mail Order

Hebron, KY

Of course, I'll always be looking for more of both in town and mail order, but these are being shipped this Spring.

Salvia chiapensis,
Salvia miniata (the Belize Sage),
Salvia murii,
Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips',
Salvia 'Purple Majesty',
Salvia ‘Van Houtti’ (Logee's color one),
Salvia van houttii 'Dancing Flame',
Salvia sinaloensis,
Salvia guaranitica 'Blue Enigma',
Salvia microphylla 'Wild Watermelon',
Salvia splendens 'Caribbean Coral',
Salvia splendens 'Faye Chapel',
Salvia splendens 'Piasa Pink',
Salvia splendens 'Pine Knot Peach' ,
Salvia azurea (pitcheri) 'Nekan',
Salvia x greggii 'California Sunset',
Salvia chamaedryoides (Germander or Blue Oak or Mexican Blue Sage),
Salvia coahuilensis (Indigo Purple Autumn Sage),
Salvia coccinea 'Bicolor' (Pink and White Texas Sage),
Salvia darcyi,
Salvia greggii 'Desert Blaze' (Variegated Autumn Sage),
Salvia greggii 'Diana',
Salvia greggii 'Furman's Red',
Salvia greggii 'Purple',
Salvia greggii 'Watermelon',
Salvia greggii x lemmonii 'Raspberry Royal',
Salvia greggii 'Yellow Cloud', [not getting - crop failure as of 3/28]
Salvia leucantha (Furry White and Lavender colors),
Salvia microphylla 'San Carlos Festival',
Salvia penstemonoides (Big Red Sage),
Salvia vanhouttii (Lazy S'S color one),
Salvia greggii 'Wild Thing',
Salvia x Indigo Spires,
Salvia x Maraschino,
Salvia x 'Black Cherry',
Salvia x 'Raspberry Delight',
Salvia x 'Scarlet Spires',

And, as for Agastaches, I'm getting

Agastache aurantiaca 'Shades of Orange',
Agastache cana,
Agastache cana 'Rosita',
Agastache rupestris,
Agastache x rupestris 'Orange Flare',
Agastache x 'Acapulco Salmon and Pink',
Agastache x 'Ava',
Agastache x 'Black Adder',
Agastache x 'Desert Sunrise',
Agastache nepetoides 'Pink Panther',
Agastache canna 'Sinning Sonoran Sunset,
Agastache x 'Purple Haze',

These are what I've ordered already, might have to order more still.

P.S. don't let DH know ;-))


This message was edited Mar 29, 2007 9:33 AM

Frisco, TX(Zone 8a)

Marilyn, Where do you order from? And have you ordered from them before and been happy? I am discovering salvias and so far haven't met one I didn't like. Being in a smallish town with a limited amount of nurseries sometimes I can't get a particular variety/species that looks interesting. And I don't mind buying small and waiting for it to grow if it is something special..nancy

(Zone 9a)

Wow. You really are a fan of these plants. Mine came in today. The first scent that popped out to me was the licorice one. Now I wish I had gotten a few more of these plants. How long do your new plants take to fill out?

Hebron, KY


I'm getting these 3 from Crownsville Nursery and have ordered from them off and on since 1997 or 1998 and have been happy with them.

Salvia chiapensis,
Salvia miniata (the Belize Sage),
Salvia murii,

I'm getting these 4 from Logee's (Garden Watchdog 30 Member) and this will be my first time ordering from them.

Salvia 'Purple Majesty',
Salvia ‘Van Houtti’ (Logee's color one),
Salvia van houttii 'Dancing Flame',
Salvia sinaloensis,

I'm getting these 7 from Cottage Garden and this will be my first time ordering from them. Click on the "Annuals, Tender Perennials and Tropicals" link when you go to the Cottage Garden website , you can look at the plants and print an order form , but not order online, I just mailed mine in a few weeks ago and received a conf. letter already.

Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips',
Salvia guaranitica 'Blue Enigma',
Salvia microphylla 'Wild Watermelon',
Salvia splendens 'Caribbean Coral',
Salvia splendens 'Faye Chapel',
Salvia splendens 'Piasa Pink',
Salvia splendens 'Pine Knot Peach' ,

I'm getting these 16 plants from Lazy S'S Farm Nursery (Garden Watchdog 30 Member) , and have ordered from them last year (several orders) and l'm very happy with them, one of my new favorites mail order companies.

Salvia azurea (pitcheri) 'Nekan',
Salvia x greggii 'California Sunset',
Salvia chamaedryoides (Germander or Blue Oak or Mexican Blue Sage),
Salvia coahuilensis (Indigo Purple Autumn Sage),
Salvia coccinea 'Bicolor' (Pink and White Texas Sage),
Salvia darcyi,
Salvia greggii 'Desert Blaze' (Variegated Autumn Sage),
Salvia greggii 'Diana',
Salvia greggii 'Furman's Red',
Salvia greggii 'Purple',
Salvia greggii 'Watermelon',
Salvia greggii x lemmonii 'Raspberry Royal',
Salvia greggii 'Yellow Cloud', [not getting - crop failure as of 3/28]
Salvia leucantha (Furry White and Lavender colors),
Salvia microphylla 'San Carlos Festival',
Salvia vanhouttii (Lazy S'S color one),
Agastache nepetoides 'Pink Panther',

I'm getting these 16 plants from High Country Gardens (Garden Watchdog 30 Member)
and have ordered from them before since 2005 and have been very happy with them, one of my favorite mail order places.

Salvia penstemonoides (Big Red Sage),
Salvia greggii 'Wild Thing',
Salvia x Indigo Spires,
Salvia x Maraschino,
Salvia x 'Black Cherry',
Salvia x 'Raspberry Delight',
Salvia x 'Scarlet Spires',
Agastache aurantiaca 'Shades of Orange',
Agastache cana,
Agastache cana 'Rosita',
Agastache rupestris,
Agastache x rupestris 'Orange Flare',
Agastache x 'Acapulco Salmon and Pink',
Agastache x 'Ava',
Agastache x 'Black Adder',
Agastache x 'Desert Sunrise',

I'm getting these 2 from Garden Crossings (Garden Watchdog 30 Member) , and this will be my first ordering from them (have 2 orders with
them). I'm ordering other plants other than Agastaches from them too.

Agastache canna 'Sinning Sonoran Sunset,
Agastache x 'Purple Haze',

I got all these companies from Dave's Garden, "Garden Watchdog". Crownsville Nursery I found out about from one of my sisters in 1997 or 1998 and have no problems with them.

If you order anything, do it now so that you can get what you want, some plants on Plant Delights (Garden Watchdog 30 Member) are already sold out. I've been looking at their Salvias, but just haven't ordered from them yet (never ordered from them before).

We don't have much to choose from here. I always go to my local Lowe's alot to check on what they have, sometimes check out what plants they have at Home Depot and check three other local garden centers, plus a local 'superstore'.

Glad to help! ;-))


This message was edited Feb 23, 2007 8:51 PM

This message was edited Feb 23, 2007 8:52 PM

This message was edited Feb 24, 2007 11:17 PM

This message was edited Mar 29, 2007 9:43 AM

Hebron, KY


Sorry that the website links didn't come up (strange?!), but you can check the Garden Watchdog page for them.


Hebron, KY


I already have 2 to 3 orders of plants coming from High Country Gardens for Spring shipment.

I think they take 2 or 3 seasons to reach full size. Agastaches do smell great, don't they! You can place more orders with them, of course, but you have to order 6 plants or more each time.

The Salvia 'Raspberry Delight' that I have (getting another one, because I love it so much) now, I planted it in the Spring of 2005 and it looked good in 2005 and great in 2006 and I'm sure it will look fantastic this year!!!


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Avant Gardens is another good source for Salvias. I've never ordered from them, but they have a good rating in Watchdog. And I've bought things from Plant Delights before and been very happy with them so I think you can order there with confidence.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Marilyn, I am thrilled that you got your forum!!!!!!! This will be one of my favorite forums...want to learn so much about these...I am planting my first this spring, thanks to your enthusiasm.
Also trying my first Agastache!!!
Good going!!

Hebron, KY


Thanks so much for the nice words. Yes, I'm so happy that Dave approved this into a Forum! I thought about letting you know tonight, but DH wanted to use the computer tonight too. Glad you found it.

How are you doing with your plants? Have you planted any Salvias? Which Agastache variety did you plant?


Hebron, KY


I've looked at Avant Gardens this year and thinking they would be another place to get Salvias and other plants.

Plant Delights has lots of Salvias! Might have to take another look at them. ;-))

Have you ordered from A World of Salvias?

Have you ordered from Canyon Creek Nursery before?


This message was edited Feb 23, 2007 11:43 PM

This message was edited Feb 24, 2007 12:28 PM

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

We're kinda spoiled out here because we can find a pretty wide range of salvias in 1-gal at pretty good prices, but I've cleaned out all the sources around here .....and seeing some of the ones listed at Lazy SS, I'm afraid I'll have to order. Haven't even checked out Avant yet. This is something I really didn't need to know! Oh well, I'm off to see what all they've got.....

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I can't wait to see pictures of these salvias in y'alls gardens. Please post pictures when they are growing for you.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I never heard of World of Salvias before...but it looks like they have a great selection so I may have to try them out. They have a good rating in Watchdog but there are only 2 comments, so I'll probably start with a small order first and see how it goes before I go crazy! I've heard of Canyon Creek but have never ordered from them. Most of my mail order gardening up til now has been for tropicals, I've relied on local nurseries and plant sales for my salvias but now that everyone's finding all these places with great salvia selections I may have to expand!

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

Thank you for starting this,I am so anxious to learn about agastaches. Last year I saw several ,but had no space this year I am making space. I have grown salvias for many years and they are on my top 10 perenials.


Seminole, FL

What an excitng forum to see !
We really enjoy growing Agastaches and Salvias
We don't have many but like to get some !
Which are the most Spectacular to grow ! for someone that does not have a lot of gardening space left but want to grow these beauties !

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

World of Salvias is owned by Rich Dufresne, who posts with a lot of knowledgeable salvia info on gardenweb.

Seminole, FL

Where do buy your plants. Nice large order.

Seminole, FL

OOPS Marilyn saw your shopping info above.
Fireant which plant smelled like licorice ?
We like plants with scents. Do many Agastaches and Salvias have scents ?

(Zone 9a)

The plant is Agastache rupestris. It's also called Licorice Mint or Sunset Hyssop. The five agastaches I ordered have scents, but this one was the first scent that I picked up when I opened the package.

I'm not sure how well agastaches will do in Florida. When I searched in Plantfiles, I didn't see Florida listed in the section where people indicate the plant grows in their area. I had searched only a few agastaches, though.

(Zone 9a)

Plant_Dreams, I missed your post about growing agastaches. It's good to know they can handle Florida.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


Richard Dufresne, A World of Salvias, is one of the most knowledgeable authorities when it comes to Salvia. I wouldn't hesitate to order from his website. He posts on the Salvia Forum at the Gardenweb all the time.

I've ordered from Garden Crossings several times and they have always provided excellent plants with well developed root systems. However, whenever I shop at Garden Crossings I always end up buying Clematis vines from them. Now, you made me look at their Salvias! Crownsville Nursery, Logees & Plant Delights are all excellent places to purchase plants too. Haven't ordered from the other ones you mentioned, but I'm sure that someone will come along and give you more feedback.

I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of all your beautifully blooming Salvia & Agastaches this Summer!

Seminole, FL

I'd sure like to get some of the scented plants. Where did you say you got your scented plants fireant ?

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

I'm used to "the hunt"....there are so many good nurseries within 50 miles here (and we're usually on the road somewhere within that range at least once a week) and it's the fun of checking them out to "find' this or that plant that's so enticing. doesn't make sense when I can just mail order the specific ones I want,so you guys have tempted me into it. I would like getting larger sizes, but if this is the only way I can find them, so be it. So, I just ordered agastaches from High Country and "going back in" to see what Canyon Creek may have. It's easier, but not as much fun as getting in the car and heading out for the day.

(Zone 9a)

There are many nurseries around here. Some are huge catering only to wholesale, but there are a lot of small and midsize ones as well. I haven't had a lot of time lately to go browsing lately, but I plan to this Saturday, especially the small business ones. I ordered agastaches because I don't remember seeing those available. I bought the agastaches at High Country Gardens.

You do seem to get more plant for the money from a nursery than from mail order.

Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

I have never grown agastaches. Wonder how they do in Mississippi ????? Sure wouldn't want to get one that was invasive - I have enough of that type plant now ! My few salvias are beautiful but take way too much room as it is in my small space. I need to create more room for them somewhere else for them to do their best.

Athens, OH

I love the S. greggii but beware...they are not really hardy to Zone 6a (at least in my area). Frozen roots and winter rot are the biggest problems.

For my gaura, which are prone to winter rot, I mix gravel in with the compost to increase drainage and it works. Simply mixing in perlite did not work. For the frozen root problem it may help to create a microclimate near a house, etc. or to mulch. The issue with the mulch is root rot.

I haven't actually solved the problem yet for the greggi so I pot mine up in the Fall and keep them in the gargage.


Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

Hmmmm.High Country has some nice agas that I ordered, but they don't ship until May. I think for my climate it would be better ordering from a West Coast source that would be able to start a little earlier in the year since in my zone we can usually plant year round.

Donna in Douglas, GA(Zone 8b)

Don't forget about
Sandy Mush Herbs Nursery - Kate has GREAT prices & plants! Also has many many salvias! I order from them in November and will place another order soon. Plants are in a 2 x2 container with GREAT roots!


Hebron, KY


Try Canyon Creek Nursery

"Located in a rugged canyon
in Northern California..."

Canyon Creek Nursery
3527 Dry Creek Road
Oroville CA 95965

Our Spring shipping season is mid-February through May. Our Fall season is from mid-September through November


cana, Produces copious wands of flowers all summer. The flower color is bright pink with a hint of peach. Grows to 4' high. Hardy to about 10°.

mexicana, Lemon Scented Slender, upright stems to 3' tall carry long spikes of clear pink flowers. The pale green leaves are strongly lemon scented. Zone 7.

mexicana, Red Selection Our selection from numerous seedlings of A.mexicana. The flowers are a dusky orange-red, not quite as dark as Firebird, but an easier plant to grow and propagate. It has a neat upright habit to 36" tall. Zone 7.

Pink Panther (coccinea x mexicana) A first rate perennial blooming from May to October with its brilliant dusky pink flowers held on long spikes. The 36" stems are clothed on the lower half by dark green leaves, tinged with purple. This selection has a sturdy habit growing to 4' tall. Zone 7.

Summer Lustre Slender stems to 4' tall with dusky, apricot-orange flowers. Neat habit and as all agastaches, it flowers non-stop June through October.

Summer Breeze An extremely durable and long flowering agastaches that has become my favorite. The peachy-pink flowers are carried atop the 5'-6' stems June through October. This agastache is large growing and long bloming. Hardy to about 15°.

Tutti Frutti One of the showiest of the agastaches with dense heads of deep pink flowers on slender 4'-5' stems. It flowers June through September. Hardy to zone 7.

Each $4.50 / Three of one kind $13.00

When I emailed them and asked about the size of pots they send, John Whittlesey of Canyon Creek wrote back....

"Generally we ship out of 3" - 4" pots. We ship healthy, well established plants.

Thanks for your interest.


Canyon Creek Nursery"


How's that, Sherry?! ;-))


This message was edited Feb 26, 2007 2:20 PM

This message was edited Feb 26, 2007 2:33 PM

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I think High Country will ship now--if you look on the shipping page at their recommended times for spring shipping, it started 2/12 for zones 8 and higher, and starts 3/5 for zone 7. It's only if you're in zone 3 that you have to wait all the way until May for them to ship.

(Zone 9a)

Yes, they do ship now. I just received an order from them.

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

I just ordered from High Country and their confirmation e-mail says shipping May 15,,,will have to check back with them.....Yes, have ordered from Canyon Creek. will have to check Lazy SS for their shipping dates. Thanks

Hebron, KY


From the above link of Lazy S'S page regarding shipping dates.....

Zone 9 & 10 March 19th or as soon as the plants are ready

Zone 8 March 26th or as soon as the plants are ready

Edited to add......

West Coast April 17th and April 23rd

West Coast Orders must travel thru the middle of the country (Zone 5 & 6) so they cannot be safely shipped earlier.

West Coast States: AZ, CA, ID, MT, NV, OR, WA

This message was edited Feb 26, 2007 8:35 PM

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

marilynbeth, Thanks...that's what I was thinking...orders could be shipped to Fl, but to come here they're shipping across the Rockies. Makes sense, just means that I wouldn't be ordering from anything East.

Hebron, KY


April 23 is the date they have set up for me, (my zone 6 garden). I would rather have them earlier, but that's the way it is.


Saint Charles, IL

I'm real envious of how many you are getting. My personal favorite of all the plants you are getting though is the Agastache Purple Haze. It is a fantastic plant. Mine bloomed until first snowfall. I'm really hoping it's hardy for me in IL. Or at least can handle the drainage or lackthereof. Enjoy your plants!

Hebron, KY


You had Agastache 'Purple Haze' last year?! I thought that 2007 was the first year for it. Where did you get it at?


Marin, CA(Zone 9b)


I promise I won't tell your husband, if you promise to do the same for me!!!!

Hebron, KY

Mrs. Colla,

LOL, You bet!!! ;-))


Saint Charles, IL

I work for a wholesale grower, and we got it as a trial from our vendor. We grow a lot of perennials, and get to trial a lot of cool plants. But Purple Haze is something that really caught our eyes. I think you'll like it.

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