Houseplant Swap

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Hi All, are you ready for the houseplant swaps to get up and going again????????

If so here are the details.

I am now taking names, addresses and list of your haves/wants.

Please note that if you list rare or expensive plants you most likely will not receive them. Please do not expect to. I will try to match everyone up with at least one plant on their list. However sometimes this is not possible, so please be open to new ideas as well.

****If you wish to join please dmail me your name, addy, list of what you have to swap and what you would like to receive from the swap. - to expedite signups, please included all information on one dmail, I will then use that dmail to send your buddy. This is very important on make this go faster, everything this way is one dmail.

Rules are listed below.
1. Do not sign up if you only want free plants, this is a swap not a give away.
2. Minimum number of cuttings/plugs/starts/plants is 4, however these should be different plants, not 4 of the same (the smaller number will allow some newbies to join as well) - you may send extras, small gifts if you want, this is completely optional and not a requirement. If you do send extra, please do not be upset if you don't receive extra in return from your buddy.
3. Sign ups will runs until March 2nd.
4. Mail by date is March 31st or you can mail sooner if you want to. Just make sure ok with your buddy.
5. Post to forum when you pkg is mailed and when you receive.

If you have any questions, please let me know. Last year we had 6 swaps, I would like to do these monthly until November when the weather starts getting colder or interest dies out. Let me know you thoughts comments or concerns.

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Well Sharon,Nothing says *Spring* like you starting up houseplant swap again! LOL I guess I can toss my winter coat now? I'm ready!! Sign me up please! I will send you a d-mail with my haves and wants in a few days.Thanks soo much for getting this swap going again : )

Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

Sounds like fun! I really enjoyed this last year, and I'd love to join in!

:) Kim

Lamar, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm pretty much starting over, being that I recently moved into a real home with a yard. I'll have lots to offer later but right now I don't have much available to share.

I do however have some variagated Spider plants that I'll throw into some sandy soil to get them started. If anyone is interested, I'd be able to share those. They're green with white margins.

I'm interested in getting some Sedums.

~*~ Suenell

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Have to go to doctors now but could I sign up I never did this before and will need help so if you dont mind helping I dont mind joining :-) we all have to start somewhere... :-)

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

For the new ones - you get need four starts of houseplants - seedlings, cuttings or babies, you send to the person I assign as your buddy, you may or may not send to the same person you receive from. Mail to that person by the mail todate and you are set.

We have had in the past some that didn't follow through with their obligation for whatever reason, I then will do the best I can at sending a make up box. I dont' want to see anyone not get a box in return.

Cambium - you would need four starts to join this swap. You may consider posting your have list on the plant trading forum and what you are interested in. I can send you some cuttings a little closer to spring to help you get started as well. Dmail me your addy privately if you are intersted.

in order to sign up you must send me a dmail with your have/wants and addy on it. Thanks. We have four so far.

Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

I'm in! Will dmail when I figure out what all I have to share :~)


(Zone 1)

I'm, this is gonna be fun!

Lamar, AR(Zone 7b)

Ya I can hardly wait!

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

Count me in
I will d mail you with my infor

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

I have 10 that have sent their complete info so far. please dmail me your info to be included.

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Wow 16 signed up now. Anyone more takers before I start assigning buddies.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Count me in. I'll try it. Thanks. Buttoneer

Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

Just got my buddy assignment!

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

All buddies went out today. Enjoy all.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Has everyone heard from there buddies??? any ideas of what you are getting?? I cant wait.... I am excited... I never did one of these before...

Lamar, AR(Zone 7b)

I hadn't but then too, I haven't had time to get mine boxed up to send either. I plan on doing that tomorrow when I have nothing on my calendar.

~*~ Suenell

(Zone 1)

I'm checking for the area where I'm shipping to and will maybe send mine on Monday!

Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

I'm planning to send mine out Monday. Weather here is supposed to be fair but the package is going all the way west :~( Hope it makes it OK.


Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Just be sure to post when you send or receive you pkgs.

I received a wonderful box from begoniacrazi on Friday, just before I left town for the weekend. She definately out did herself. She knew of a couple of philos I had been desiring fro quite some time. Var Spilt Leaf (monstera) and Burle Marx. I was on cloud nine for sure when I opened it. I also received some var wandering jew, another unknown philo family member, kalanchoe (spelled wrong), Begonia, arrowhead and a few others. I will have to take some pics of them.

Last week was a really down week for me and the box put the biggest smile on my face. Thanks Lali.............

(Zone 1)

Cedarnest/Nancy: I put 2 boxes in the mail to you this morning .... Priority Mail, so they should arrive Wednesday or Thursday. I have been checking the 10 day forcast for zip codes at and it looks like y'all are warming up, so I took a chance and shipped today. The confirmation numbers for the P.O. are:

0306 2400 0001 9906 7939

0306 2400 0001 9905 8432

Let me know when they arrive. The first box has the Swap Plants and the second box has AV Optimara 'Annabelle'.


Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

I'm sending my package out tomorrow. Was going to do it today but stayed up all night watching foal cams waiting for those babies to be born. They're not even mine! LOL I started a post on Equine forum for those interested. I missed one foaling today while I was cooking breakfast, (^*&$^&(&)*)(* &(^%! and darn.


Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Thanks Lin,I will be on the lookout.The weather here is great and I love it : )) I have 2 houseplant swaps to send off and am hoping to have them both in the mail tomorrow.I will be back with confirmation numbers as soon as I send.

Lana,I will have to check that foal cam out.It sounds wonderful : )


Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

Be careful, Nancy. It's addictive! I'm sitting here right now watching the new baby, the mare and the owner together in the stall.


Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

The thing I miss the most about being on the farm was when the calves were born. I loved being a part of the whole experience. And seeing them walking after just a few minutes was always amazing to me.


(Zone 1)

Oh .... I would dearly love to live in the country ... I'm not sure about a farm, but that might be fun ..... hard work, I'm sure, and I've never been on a horse in my life, but I just love little country towns and land!

My favorite magazines are "Country" and "Birds and Blooms" .... oh, and of course, all my gardening magazines!


Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

I live in town, however a town of about 1500 so we are pretty country here. I love it.

Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

I had a goat herd until I was in a car wreck in 2004. I miss them lots, especially in spring at kidding time. That was my busiest, hardest working time but I love mid-wifing and those new babies. I'm still watching the new foal on cam here Was up walking around shaking his tail now he/she is resting at momma's feet. It's an Arabian.


Chesapeake, VA(Zone 7b)

See the mama nudge it to make it move!?!! That is precious!

This message was edited Mar 12, 2007 3:55 PM

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

Your package is on the way.
your confir # is. 0306 3030 0002 4989 5491
I added a little surprise hope you enjoy it

Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

Question about packing. The way I pack perennials is bare root them, wrap in barely damp to moist paper towel depending upon the plant and time of year, wrap roots with plastic wrap, then wrap the whole plant with news paper. Is this proper for houseplants and tropicals, too?

Need to pack plants tonight.


(Zone 1)

That sounds like the same way I wrap house Plants for shipping! I ship bare root, moist paper towels around the roots, then plastic baggie over the root's tied with rubber band to keep moisture in. I haven't done the wrapping in newspaper, but that sounds like a great idea to me and will do from now on .... it would protect them even more and keep them from possibly being crushed.


Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

That's why I wrap the foliage too, Lin. Also, it compacts the leaves into a smaller area and makes packing easier...for me anyway. Thanks!


Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Hello All,
Oh Missg I can't wait... I am so excited it is like I am waiting for Santa...LOL
I sent my package today to Cedarnest so hers should get there soon... I dont have the number with me at this time but if you want Nancy I could find a post...
I did not send mine bare root... I sent in pots, well most of them I did I did put 3 cuttings in there for you to root... I really hope you like what I sent....
Ok sitting now waiting for post lady.... I think she is as excited for me as I am.. She cant wait to see my flowers in bloom...
Hugs to all,

(Zone 1)

Hey Susan: I got Cedarnest/Nancy in the House Plant Swap too! Did some people get two names to Swap with? Or, is Nancy the "Lucky" one! LOL. One can never have too many plants, you know?!

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

wow you made me nervouse for a min had to go back and check.. yup she is my swap.... I think she must be the lucky one...LOL so dmail me with what you sent her and I hope we both sent her diffrent things...LOL

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

LOL Susan and Lin,Yep lucky me : ) I got 2 swappers to send to and receive from this month.I think a few did.It all depends on the number of signups I believe and the types of plants people have on their wants lists.I don't mind as I have PLENTY to share and oh yes did I say I "love" receiving new ones too.hee hee Looking forward to your goodies : ))

Lin and Marsha,Yours were both mailed yesterday priority
Lin : #01038555749924932545
Marsha: #01038555749967085574

Hope they arrive safely and you like what I chose for you : )

Happy Growing : ))

(Zone 1)

Susan: I actually had a trade going with Nancy too, besides the House Plant Swap! I sent her Optimara 'Annabelle' ( African Violet) in our trade and then the House Plant Swap Plants went in another box!

Nancy: You are the Lucky Gal, aren't you?! I hope you don't get a lot of duplicates from me and Susan .... but, Hey .... The More the Merrier! LOL. You could have extra's to trade with other people, if that's the case! I would love to see the expression on your mailman or lady's face when they deliver to your door!



Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

LOL Lin,If I get duplicates I won't mind one bit.I just love plants : ) My mailman just shakes his head.He knows I do alot of swaps and he always says"Whats on the menu today?...Let me guess..plants or seeds" Hes such a smarty pants. : )

(Zone 1)

Oh that's cute ... We live in an unincorporated section of the county so our mailboxes are at the corner of the street, and when I have a box, he drives up into the driveway, beeps his horn and when I go out, he always says: "You've got Mail .... again"! LOL. :) The people at the Post Office are getting used to me now ... I've told some of the ladies about Dave's Garden and they were really interested to check it out! They thought it was pretty neat trading plants through the mail! I guess they hadn't seen that before.


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