Pole Beans & Hostas

Ankeny, IA(Zone 5a)

I am looking at growing my pole beans on the east side of my shed this year, as they did pretty good on the south side last year, but don't want to grow it in the same spot again this year. The only problem is that I am "holding" 4 hostas for someone in that spot. I'm sure the beans will help the hostas because they will provide more shade and the leaves won't be affected by the sun as much. I don't know if the hostas will be harmful to the beans though. Any advice or thoughts will be greatly appreciated!

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

I am certainly no expert, but have grown both for many years. I can't see how the hosta would be of any problem to the beans and as you mentioned would creat some shade, so I would think the combination is a good plan.


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