Lowe's had it again!!! Peace Lily

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I had never seen a peace lily for the house this big....well over 4 or 5 ft. tall....they only got two and were unwrapping them as I was checking out....

Thumbnail by gessiegail
North Augusta, ON

lol...and of course it jumped right into your cart :)

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

you are right.....it was hard for that big plant to jump that high, but it did!!!!!!!! LOL

(Zone 1)

Nice plant Betty!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

isn't that just something!!!! I wonder if it will ever bloom....Lin, I think you were the one who said in some thread to go get those fertilizer picks at Walmart.....was it you???

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Beautiful ! Great buy !!

Annandale, NJ

I have one and I love it. It is actually three plants in one pot, and they bloom once a year. Spaths are larger then my hand.
My lovely daughter took this picture.

Thumbnail by milka
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

milka....thanks for showing me that awesome bloom.....I am hoping that if I use those fertilizer picks from Walmart, i can get bloom out of it a couple of times with the exception of winter...and I will let it rest...

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

FYI The Home Depot in Tupelo, MS had one is stock this afternoon. Beautiful plant but I didn' have room for one that big.


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I have never had room for another plant in my house, but that seems to never stop me (LOL)

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

LOL, you all are funny! Those are some mighty big and beautiful peace lillies ya got there! Happy growing ya'll.


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Surely you grew up in Texas, GH.......I haven't seen ya'll except from Texas.....how did you land in Maryland.....

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

by way of North Carolina, ;)


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Very nice, I agree!

I got one a few months back that I thought, at first, was not a Spathiphyllum, as it's leaves were rather 'distorted' (Sort of like some of the variegated Spaths leaves are) and the base just looked too BIG to be a 'Peace Lily'...it bloomed quite readily, and is growing new leaves rapidly. The blooms are really large, as milkas photo shows.

I'm wondering...does yours betty or milka list on the tag which cultivar?

My tag just says 'Tropical Foliage', of course!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Mine says that it is a Spathiphylum 'Sensation'....

SW, WI(Zone 4b)


Just 'googled' that and it's stated that Sensation is the 'Largest Spathiphyllum'!

Congrats on your great find!

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Simply Gorgeous Bettygail. What a Beauty You Found : )

Joshua, TX(Zone 8a)

Wonderful plant!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I got lucky....as i was checking out one of the employees brought it to the front to show the cashier as she couldn't believe it!!! They only got two and it is well over 5 ft in height....

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

I'll be on the lookout for 'Sensation' around my way...



SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Me too! (Ü)
I don't think mine is 'Sensation', the blooms are quite large and held very high above the foliage, but the leaves aren't nearly as big/elongated as those on yours bettygail.

Let us know how it adjusts and grows for you, bettygail....I'm really interested to hear how they fare!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I will let you know!!!!! I sent out my first trades this morning and am still laughing at my lack of organization at this first task!!! enjoy!!
I made to stick with seed trading LOL

Thumbnail by gessiegail
SW, WI(Zone 4b)

That kinda looks familiar;)

If you got it done, you *were* organized...you just didn't realize it!

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4a)

I believe I have this same Spathiphyllum from HD (not quite so large, however), and I love it. But just FYI, after seeing stickiness on the floor under it, I discovered that it had an infestation of brown soft scale, with the largest scale insects I have ever seen (and I have seen a lot of scale!) living happily on the underside spines of the leaves. Spraying with isopropyl alcohol seems to keep it in check. My "regular" Spathiphyllum never gets infected with scale, however.

Susan in Minneapolis

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I do not know how I would live my life is someone ever took away my vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol and baking soda from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Oh, boy, Susan (waving....Hi neighbor! lol!)
Now just how 'large' are 'the largest scale insects I have ever seen'??

So your hitchikers must have came from the store, right?
Where did you buy yours?

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh yuck! Scale are the WORST of the sucking pests, IMO. Very hard to eradicate once an infestation happens. Has anyone ever been successful with wiping them out for good?

BettyGail- Seeing your pic brought back some pretty funny memories of my own. When I mailed out Nan and Nancy's(cedarnest) plants this past October, my floor looked like yours. Ya shoulda seen me trying cut and tape together and bend two of the triangular Priority Mail boxes for a tall plant I sent to Nan. LOL Oh, I even had her laughing when I described my contortions. LOL

I am wary of buying plants from HD because everyone I've ever bought has had some sort of bugs. Milipedes, unknown white soil bugs(not mealies). I bought a Yucca from HD a few years back that had scale, but at the time, I didn't know what scale were. I have memories of me heaving that plant down the trash chute once I figured out what they were. I have also been lucky enough to buy a few from HD that had mealies. Every rope Hoya or Lipstick plant I've bought from HD has had mealies. Heck, any kind of vining plant from HD has a 95% mealy rate. : ( It's those dang Exotic Angel plants. Herman Engelmann's GH must be the mealy paradise of the world. Anyway, I've probably only ever bought 4-5 plants from HD that didn't have some kind of malady. Included in that lucky number are Christmas Cacti, Spider 'Bonnie', and Sansevieria Laurentii.

I have much better luck with buying plants from my 2 local nurseries, the Maryland Home and Garden Show and mail order. If anyone is ever in the Baltimore area, let me know, I'd be happy to take ya shopping at Watson's or Valley View Farms!


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I just happen to have a Lowe's and very good Wally World's around with a few small good nurseries....don't seem to have a problem with pest and diseases, but I use either Consan or Triple Action X often on the tiles, porch, etc....doesn't seem to hurt plants either....a good way of keeping things clean. (I learned that when I used to work in greenhouses)....
Yes, my first mailing may be the last for a while (LOL)

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4a)


This is from an unpleasant recollection, so very unscientific, and, of course, prone to exaggeration, but I think a normal scale insect might be 1/8 inch long, and these were about 1/2 inch. I got the plant from the HD in Bloomington, MN, but I don't know that the scale came with it, because it gets reinfested after spending the summer on my front porch every year. I don't really know if the scale is a different variety, or just that the juices of 'Sensation' are perfect for growing giants.

Susan in Minneapolis

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

lol...I can relate.
Hmm...giant plants = giant insects.....ewwww.....let's hope not!

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