Tankless water heaters

Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

Anyone using them in their greenhouse? I'm considering installing one to warm up the watering supply. They're designed for home use, and would most likely provide water much too hot for watering needs. However, I suppose that if you split the water line, sent one side to the inline heater, kept the other cold, then combined them again with two valves, you could mix a much more usable temperature to water with at the other end.

This got me thinking of other applications for tankless heaters. They may make a nice bench-warming setup. A small series of hoses or pipes under the bench, circulating water via a pump and tankless heater, would seem a quite efficient way to keep germinating seeds and tender seedlings warm.

Taking this one step further, it seems quite plausible to create a larger system, circulating through a loose floor material, to help warm the GH. I'm sure the heat put off would be negligible, but for several weeks of the year, every little bit would be of some help. PVC is cheap, and it may pay for itself after several harsh winters.

Any thoughts? Or, more specifically, has anyone already beat me to this idea, and my search missed it? =)

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

If you want to save some money, they sell little mini heat exchangers specifically for warming up hose water. I think I saw one in the Harbor Freight catalog, but I'm having trouble finding it when I search their website so maybe it was somewhere else? If I run across it again I'll post it here. But I've definitely seen them, I think the price range was in the ballpark of $100-$200 and a tankless water heater will be considerably more than that. Now if you want to do all the other stuff you were mentioning, then the tankless may be a better option, but if all you're trying to do is warm up the watering supply then the cheaper ones should work just fine, and the water should come out the temp you want so you wouldn't have to worry about mixing hot & cold, etc.

Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

Something like this would work, I think. =)

This message was edited Feb 17, 2007 9:00 PM

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

That looks a lot like the one I saw, definitely the same idea.

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