Weight Loss Challange Feb. 17th - 24th

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Why do we call this thread the WL Challange? Because for most of us losing weight and keeping it off is a challange that involves most of the areas of our lives. We have to reprogram ourselves in regard to eating, sleeping, and exercising in a healthy way. It has to become a new lifestyle that will last for the rest of our lives. If we had done this all alone we probably wouldn't be overweight.

There is a more snow on the ground this morning. It did a lot of blowing into drifts during the night. Getting to the highway may be a challange for me. Unless some nice farmer gets out early and clears the roads as some have been doing this past couple weeks. Such a kind thing to do for all the rest of us. Most of us don't have the scrapers, blades, etc. for our tractors and the county workers can only do so much. This county has over 1000 miles of gravel and blacktop roads to maintain. A county wide snow takes a lot of time to clear away.

Breadfast was a slice of ww toast with ff Parkey spray, p. butter, & the cranapple spread I made earlier this week. I needed to eat early and fast as I am so stiff and sore this morning. I upped all anti inflammatories I take as well as taking a long hot water shower. It's mostly in my shoulders and hands. I think white knuckle driving last night getting home from work is what did it. My hips are a little stiff but not unusually so.The pain in my shoulders was there when I got home and had started about 1/2 way here. I felt fine & had no pain at all when I left the cafe' last night. It's only a 15 min. drive most of the time but it took a lot longer last night as it was 30 - 40 miles an hour driving all the way. The big semis zipped past us little cars as tho nothing was wrong. We heard at the cafe' that there were a lot of accidents on I - 70 on west of us. Most were multiple vehicle accidents as people were either following too closely or the front one spun around and hit others behind. Lots of vehicles off in the median because they lost control. We could see that traffic was lighter and slower than usual from the cafe' windows.

It's good to see some of you posting regularly. For those of you who just lurk, please join us. For those who are struggling, don't be afraid or ashamed to admit failures. We all have them at times.

I've stayed below 130# for about a week now. Not much, but it still says 128# - 129# in the mornings. If I can maintain that for a month I'll work really hard on the next 5#. The next 5# to 10# will be the last ones & the hardest to lose and keep off. But at least I'm really close to where I was when Jack and I got married in '63. I was stuggling with weight even then.

Ally, let us know when you get home. Have a great vacation. I hope you are near a computer and can post or at least read DG while you are gone.

Molly, are you feeling any better? I'm praying for you and all the others. I'm so thankful I haven't gotten any sickness this winter. I would really be on my own if I did as Jack would at least have let the animals out and in, etc. Debbie, are you feeling better? Kim, how are you and Howie doing? Anna, are you frozen to a popcicle yet? Elaine, how are the shingles and do you have the flu/a cold yet? I'm thinking of Gracie and all the others today.

GOD bless, guide and help each of you.

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