what do you think ate it?

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

This didn't happen recently but since I just found this wonderful site I figured I'd ask.....
I planted a hart's tongue fern, the next day when I went to water it something ate it down to the ground what would have done that? We don't have any deer near us.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)


Aquebogue, NY(Zone 6a)

I agree with the rabbit theory. If the deer are not the problem, the rabbits are terrorizing the neighborhoods. Since it was eaten down to the ground. Otherwise, if it was entirely gone, it would have been a mole or vole eating the rhizome. The only way to deter a rabbit, that I have found, is to use some kind of a ground cover which is not pleasant for an animal to walk on or inhale such as the cocoa bean pod. Quite pricey, but worth the try. I used some around my calla plant and the rabbit(s) stopped eating it. I thought it smelled great, but apparently they did not.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

OOOH, cocoa beans great now I'll have chocolate cravings while I'm gardening, at least I'll be burning off the calories at the same time!!! lol
Yes, I have seen the cute little bunnies.

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