She looked like this....

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

So I had to pot her up! Truthfully, I just couldn't wait to suspend her in a HB on my new ceiling hooks. LOL I was home from work today because of the icy conditions in the Baltimore area. I was itchin to do something other than water or groom my plants. :)

Thumbnail by GrowHappy
Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

and now she's in her new 12 inch home-----

Thumbnail by GrowHappy
Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

She looks very pretty and happy !

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

GH..Now Thats The Kinda Spider I Like!! Beautiful! : )

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Very pretty and I know you're happy to have been "playing in the dirt" too!

(Zone 1)

Nice "Spidey" GH ... she sure was root bound, and ready for a new pot you just need to remove the price tag off her new home, LOL. By the way, what kind of light do you keep it in? And, do you have to mist often when it's inside? I have one I just bought a few days ago, hanging outside in my screen room right now. I am gonna have to bring it inside because we are supposed to be at 28 degrees Friday night! Tomorrow and Friday I'm going to be moving a lot of plants inside and covering a lot of plants outside!


Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

LOL, I know that's not the price tag, but it DOES need to be removed! This plant has seen some pretty horrible treatment within the past 2 years. Forgetful watering and watering with hard city water(that hadn't sat out overnight!). It looked so, so bad when I brought it home from work in September. Brown edges on the mom and brown and dead leaves on the babies. I had to cut off or otherwise remove a lot of the mom's leaves. And, I've lost quite a few of the babies through rough handling.: ( It's sending out runners now, with those pretty little flower buds on it. It's got dried up seed pods on some of the runners. So, I probably won't get many more runners now that I've potted her up. She was root bound for at least a year and sent out runners like crazy!

Oh, and I keep her in a West facing window.

I was indeed very happy to sit down and play in the dirt! I'm eyeing up other smaller plants that "could use" repotting. LOL


(Zone 1)

She must have liked being root bound with all those runners! And, I bet you get more babies before long. Does it get a lot of sun in the west facing window? I think I read somewhere that Spiders like full sun. I always thought they liked dense shade, maybe that's why I've not had a lot of luck keeping them looking so good. Although, I have a friend who has them growing like ground cover in her yard. She is always telling me to take some babies to pot up. Looks real pretty as a ground plant too. I think it would do okay in my west winter in winter but afternoon sun in the summer would fry it down here. Wow! and you say hard city water didn't hurt it either. I think you just have "The Touch" with that plant! Beautiful Growing!

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

The ones you see in folks yards is not the species Comosum. It's something else and those are okay to grow in full sun. I don't believe the species Comosum can take full sun. No, the hard city water does hurt it. I watered it straight from the tap, rather than letting it sit out for 24 hours before doing so. Sorry I wasn't clear. :)

Thank you for the compliments!


(Zone 1)

My friend has the Comosum growing in the ground in her yard. She has huge Oak Trees and no sun .... loads of shade and her Spider Plants do real well in the ground. Her plants originally were in hanging baskets - house plants .... but, she's not much of a gardener or plant person .... so she just dumped them and they took off!

Satsuma, AL(Zone 8b)

Some of mine are in the ground, too. The leaves get bit a little by some of our frosts, but they'll be fine come springtime.

It's kinda neat because the runners come out and go across the bed in all directions.

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

In the wintertime, the plants in the West window don't get much sun, just bright light. In the Spring and Summer they get about 2 hours of sun and bright light all day. This plant was grown at work for the past year or so and I never knew which direction that window faced. It got no sun during the winter and then in the summer it got about 1 hour late in the evening. It just took off running when Spring came last year.

(Zone 1)

I think I will re-locate mine to brighter light with a little bit of sun to see how it does!

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Lin, do you grow any besides the species? I also have a Hawaiian Spider which is still doing well since I bought it over a month ago. I love the Bonnie spider, but don't have one now. I've killed all of them! So, hope to get another one this Spring from HD. They usually have very beautiful Bonnies. I just need to be sure I change the soil as soon as I bring it home.

(Zone 1)

Nope, it's the only one I have .... just the common one. I bought it at Wal-Mart. I would love to try one of those curly ones though ... is that Bonnie? And I also want one of those called FireFlash - at least I think that's what it is called. It has the green foliage with orange down in the center?

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Yes, that's Fireflash. I forgot, I have that one too. It's doing just horribly and has since I brought it in in the Fall. Black leaf tips, just a whole lotta drama. LOL I think I will change the soil and put it in a plastic pot come Spring. It seems not to love the clay pots, which I DO love. Either that, or it is not suited for my watering habits(on the stingy side).:)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

hi- about the fireflash-
I had been helping with plants in a school, then one of the staff had her daughter 'helping '
with them when I couldn't make it in. . Finally at the end of the year, I picked up the fireflash to take it home and the pot under was full of water, must have self converted to a bog plant. So maybe it would like more moisture.
I was amazed itwas alive. I can't quite understand why some people never think to
see if the plant is sitting in water.....

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