Mini Perennial Co-op 4 BB & Hummer's

Donna in Douglas, GA(Zone 8b)

if anyone is interested in helping me meet my quota on a plant order lmk.
These plants will be ship in 70-72 per trays (plugs) perennails for humming bird and butterflies.
Which will be bought a wholesale prices.
I don't need 70 of one plant so I'm hoping to find a few who
I can share the saving on too.
70 Kniphofia - Red Hot Poker is .65 each
I would only need 36 the other 34 can be share with others.

I'll have a list posted by first of next week, would like to have plants ship out
by April 2nd.
Whatcha think.

D-mail if you interest!


This message was edited Feb 14, 2007 1:58 AM

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Kniphofia - Red Hot Poker - Are you coming to the spring RU? I can bring you some big poker plants! And they reproduce like rabbits...

Sure post your list - we are all goofy for new plants!

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes, list please.


Woodstock, GA(Zone 7b)

i would be interested

Donna in Douglas, GA(Zone 8b)

I'm working on my list now, please d-mail your e-mail address!


Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)

Do you have a list of what you will be ordering?

Donna in Douglas, GA(Zone 8b)

I'm working on it now, trying HARD to put into my jounal,,,,,,,,slow go with it!

Donna in Douglas, GA(Zone 8b)

need to ask Dave if I can do this first. Will post the out come!

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

of couse you can!

FYI.. I need to let you know some things about the plants on the list, but I need to get my day started here..

I have enough bee balm for anyone coming to the co-op. Click on my images and see.. I have named and unnamed.


Donna in Douglas, GA(Zone 8b)

Terry reply by saying it's best to place a classified ad in this matter. Rethinking my order I'll just down size it for my needs at this time. Though I would have love to share my savings on to all who were interested.


Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

This isn't a seller in this situation.. It is a small co-op for GA people and you are able to do a co-op if you want to without placing an ad on Daves. There was some misunderstanding I'm sure.

Donna in Douglas, GA(Zone 8b)

Susan & Deborah check your e-mail!

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