Eagles Nests

New Matamoras, OH(Zone 6a)

Weel folks, it's getting to be that time of year again when the eagles here start nesting.....How they can sit on those darn eggs in this cold weather is really something, but they do it....

These are just two of the nests here close to the house that I try and watch during nesting season...Not the best images but during the nesting period one is better off giving the eagles a little space as not to disturb them....Hope you like them....


Thumbnail by UncleGreenthumb
New Matamoras, OH(Zone 6a)

second nest

Thumbnail by UncleGreenthumb
Marlton, NJ

Very nice Dave! Thanks so much for posting these!!

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Nice photo's, I like the second one the best! Thanks for posting them!

DFW area, TX(Zone 7b)

Great photos. Thanks. Never knew the nests were
that large. A real eye opener.

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

Oh wow! Thanks Dave! I agree, what a huge nest. And I'm surprised they start nesting in winter too. I wonder if there are other large birds that do that also.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

It really is amazing how large those nests are when you get close or have a reference. We think we may have found an eagle nest in our neighborhood. It may turn out to be an Osprey nest but that would be okay too. No activity in it yet although the Osprey nest near work is rebuilt and occupied.

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Wowsers, Uncle Dave .. (hee)
Some mitey fine shots! These are truly fantastic shots; given your careful (and respective) distances ..

Really had no idea of the massive size of their nests!! Somehow I'd pictured their natural nests, to be at the very tops of tall snags or into the cracks or ledges of large cliffs, etc. (I suppose that I watch too many childrens' movies with the grandy-yunkins!) .. lol

* A bit (late) .. but allow me to extend a big ol hearty 'welcome to DG' to ya, UncleGreenthumb/Dave! *

Stacy ..
No matter which majestic bird it may be - please, remember to share & post any photos you may capture of them.

Now .. I've gotta try my best, to get on over to see all of these other wonderful bird threads and pitters - that so many of you guys have been sooooo busy with!!


- Magpye

New Matamoras, OH(Zone 6a)


The only other bird that I know of that starts nesting almost as early as the eagles is the Great Horned Owl.... I have a pair of those nesting in an old RedTail Hawks nest right next door..... Heres a picture of one of the young ones taken a couple years back......

I've been told that the GreatHorned Owls don't build their own nests, but use another birds nest like this old RedTail's, or find a good spot in a tree where they can lay their eggs..... Not sure if it's true or not but thats what I was told......


Thumbnail by UncleGreenthumb
Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

Excellent photos of the Bald Eagles at the nest and the Great Horned Owl.

New Matamoras, OH(Zone 6a)


I suppose they could nest in something besides trees........I do know of a pair that have a nest right on the water in a Goose Bin.......Go figure huh!!

Thanks for the welcome, and I promise to share more wildlife pictures in the future......... Maybe even today.....We had a blizard here last night and am still snowed in.....Needless to say that means a no work day....... It's still snowing...... Close to twenty inches now plus all the drifting...... Hope we don't get any more of these for the rest of the winter.....I haven't seen one this bad in a long time.... I'm beginning to think those groundhogs told a big lie a couple weeks ago..haaa!!!


Thumbnail by UncleGreenthumb
Marlton, NJ

WOW, great pics Dave! Thanks so much!

New Matamoras, OH(Zone 6a)

Your more than welcome pelletory............Glad theres folks that enjoy them......... I have a few more I'll get up here sooner or later......I've been busy trying to get dug out from this snow storm......We got hit hard last night and this morning.......... It's still snowing, but at least the wind has slacked up a bit...


Marlton, NJ

I know what you mean we're going through the Ice stage right now and then its back to snow.
Tomorrow morning the temp will be 15 but its the darn wind that makes it even worse. Take Care!

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

great pics UGT. The Eagle won't eat the Owl babies will it??

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

OMIGOSH, Dave!!!! Unbelievable shots - I am absolutely in awe . . . you would have laughed if you could have heard me gasp as I looked at each one!! Please keep posting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DFW area, TX(Zone 7b)

WOW - great great photos ! Thanks.

That is one parent who will never have to put up with
disobedient children. Just look at that face ! I wouldn't
dare misbehave, LOL.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Dave, do the eagles come back and use the same nest? I am so intrigued by your photos - I keep coming back to look at them!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, Dave--

Love your Eagle pics.

You must be up north in Ohio with 20 inches of snow today? (Can't quite place Wakeman, Ohio.) And you must certainly be in Eagle country with two nests close by your home. Just read an Ohio DNR article about the increase in Eagles in the past few years, and even a Golden showing up now and again in central Ohio. Makes birdwatching more interesting around here to have some eagle action!

Some snow down here (5 inches) today but nothing like the Lake Erie area. My sister in upstate New York just called to say that she had 5 feet of snow today and it hasn't stopped.

Welcome to DG, too.

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

Ohhhhh! Thanks so much for sharing these marvelous images! I should ever be so fortunate to discover an eagles nest!

I was able to watch an osprey nest last season, and will be checking the site out this year as well. I know the whereabouts of several, but most aren't in a good location for getting photos.

I've read that eagles and osprey will return to previous nest sites in following years, and that the Great Horned Owl will often use an osprey nest, and that's okay 'cause they have an earlier season. That certainly makes me wonder why someone takes it upon themselves to destroy the nests once the ospreys leave it. Of the dozen or so osprey sites I'm familiar with, at least 75% have been dismantled.

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