Garden Girl TV Show

Boston, MA

My professor is making a how to show about urban gardening called Garden Girl. He's trying to get it picked up by a network but if you want to see a teaser for it you can find it on Google Video here; . It's worth checking out.

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

I've seen the teaser and it is really good. We need more urban gardners. Good luck!

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Very good!

Edgartown, MA(Zone 7a)

I loved the premise of the show typically am a purist when it comes to gardening shows and find myself annoyed when cooking and craft segments take away time from gardening (The Victory Garden), but I liked her back to the basics approach. If she doesn't make it to cable I hope to see her on you tube. kt

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Actually, YouTube might be a good venue. I heard that they are going to start paying people for their content. Things on YouTube probably have a bigger audience than the same on the basic tube.

Jamestown, TN(Zone 6a)

Really good teaser. I wish she had shown the chicken tractor.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Looks like it can be a hit! Very interesting.

Boston, MA

I've been to the actual house where they're going to film it. There's alot of stuff for them to go over. Goats, chickens, and rabbits. And its in the middle of Boston. I'm trying to create buzz over it so it gets made. Show it to your friends.

Foster, RI

That is a great premise for a show!!! Can't wait for the follow up!

Boston, MA

SomepPeople I've talked to don't like the name Garden Girl. I think it's alright. What do you think?

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

No big deal. Paul James calls himself the Gardening Guy. She is very cute by the way, though that in no way influenced my impression. It's strictly gardening substance that matters.


Edgartown, MA(Zone 7a)

I don't dislike Garden Girl but I think a name that better describes her self sustainability twist in a gardening show might be better. kt

Stratford, CT(Zone 6b)

She has a good TV presence, but much of what she showed in the teaser applies more to suburban gardening rather than urban gardening. Many urban areas have strict ordinances against keeping many of the animals she keeps and very few people living in larger urban areas can afford to waste valuable square feet on a pond. She also might want to think about a better name for her show. Garden Girl doesn't sound like something the average gardening hobbyist would relate to. If she gets picked up, I'd definitely watch the show, but as a suburban gardener with some land, I'm probably not her target audience.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

I think Garden Boy would sound silly.

Seriously, I'm one of a few holdovers who still think calling a grown woman a girl is a little goofy.

Stratford, CT(Zone 6b)

Dave47--I don't think you're a holdover. I asked a few friends about the title to make sure what I was saying wasn't out of line, and they think calling a grown woman a girl is silly. There's more than a few of us who feel that way. Why refer to an empowered woman as this person obviously is as a girl?

This message was edited Mar 13, 2007 12:01 AM

Edgartown, MA(Zone 7a)

Now that you bring up the subject...Is it just me or does any one else feel that it is condescending to call a grown woman who is a stranger to you "sweetheart" or "hon"? kt

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Depends on who is saying it. A senior, obviously powerful man stating it, then it is clearly condescending. On the other hand, an older woman working at WalMart refers to me as "hon" is often just being friendly . . . and maybe feels using terms like "madam" is an affectation.

My eldest daughter had so many friends, and it was impossible to remember all of them - so I simply referred to all of them as "dear." Once, when I first started lecturing, I responded to a very tall (and I must admit, good looking) fellow as "dear," just as I would any of my daughters friends. I was instantly mortified - because I assumed HE would be so embarrassed.

After class, I appologized and explained that I wasn't trying to be condescending but it was a habit I had gotten into. He laughed and said he was totally unconcerned - his aunts referred to him and his brothers as "dear" for the same reason. Still, I have never called anyone "dear" again. :-)

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