First Time Purchase - Need Your Input Please!

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

I have been wanting a greenhouse for a LONG time and have finally managed to save enough money to get the harbor freight 10' x 12' greenhouse. They are on sale for $599. We have a harbor freight store very near where we live so I could just go there to pick it up. It is in a much smaller box than I would have thought. I know some of you have these. Do they hold up pretty well? Are there other companies that you would suggest I look at that would have comparable prices/products?

There was a lot of scrimping and "doing without" to be able to save up for this so I want to be sure that I make a good decision. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Fulton, MO

Hi Neighbor!

The 10x12 HFGH won't hold up worth a #*%@ without some modifications.

Look here:

Don't let the length of this list of modifications scare you off. I don't think they are too difficult or too expensive. Those who have the 10x12 HFGH with modifications really like it, I'm told.


This message was edited Feb 11, 2007 3:36 PM

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

And you're definitely not going to find anything else that's in that price range--any of the other lower-end twin wall construction greenhouses will cost you about double what the Harbor Freight does, and I'm not convinced that most of them are that much better than the HF based on comments I've seen people make. You might find some in that price range with single-wall construction, but again I'm not sure the overall quality is much better and in your climate if you are planning to heat the greenhouse, the twin wall construction will be a plus.

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

Stressbaby, thank you for the link. I went right over there. They have a lot of information posted on the HFGH. I do not mind a little work and would rather do it right the first time!

Ecrane, in my climate I am indeed planning to heat the greenhouse. It is already Feb. and it seems like we have not had temps above freezing for several months now....but that is a different story altogether. LOL That is one of the reasons that the HFGH was attracive to me. With the double wall construction I thought is would retain the heat better. I appreciate the reassurance as far as price is concerned.....I have never spent that much money at one time except to purchase a car. I probably spend that much in the spring/summer when I purchase plants and other garden "stuff", but it is not all at once and I definately do not keep the reciepts or I am sure I would faint dead away....... :^)

Fulton, MO


Here are pics that go with the link above:

Fulton, MO

Tetley, what kind of plants do you like? (Maybe a little greenhouse-warming present later this spring!)

This message was edited Feb 11, 2007 4:12 PM

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

What a kind thought! I love most all of them but am especially partial to poppies and the big angels trumpet. The angels trumpet has such pretty blooms. Thank you for adding the picture links, I could not find my way to them when I visited the site. It makes it so much easier to see a picture of how someone else has done things. :^)

Fulton, MO

You let me know when the GH is done. :D

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I don't think I've talked to you since the Roundup!
So. Hey , I have a Harbour Freight Greenhouse. First make sure you anchor it down. I live on a windy hill... and I anchored well, so didn't have any trouble with the frame, but.. had the blow out problem like you wouldn't believe!! Finally got all the panels to stay in place with super glue! I have also sealed it up more with clear silicone caulking and even used clear duct tape..

Study the instructions carefully.. They are just crazy..

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

Thank you for the help everyone! I so appreciate that you took the time to respond to my concerns. I am going to go ahead and get the HFGH. Hubby tells me they have 15% off coupons pretty frequently so the next time they do I am going to go ahead and purchase it. I am sooooo excited! Kathy Jo, thank you for the tip regarding the panels. I guess I might as well seal them with the silicone to begin with, I am sure it would adhere better that way. :^)

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

Harbor Freight had a 10% off coupon this week so I went and got the 10' x 12'. I did not think the box was that big sitting on the floor of the store but found out differently when they went to load it up. We have a Jeep and it just barely fit after putting the front passenger seat down and resting it on the dashboard. There was less than an inch of space after closing the door. Good thing the police did not see me on the ride home as I was kind of squished in the back up agains the wall and the GH. LOL When I went to unload it I found out it was heavy too! Three large men from the store loaded it without any problem. But it took more than one middle aged old lady to manage to get it out. It is a good thing we had snow on the ground. Once hubby and I managed to pull it out, the snow allowed us to push it forward and get it to a spot outside where it can wait until I have a place ready for it. Right now it is sitting on some boards to keep the box off the ground and is covered in plastic sheeting. Instead of "visions of sugerplums" dancing in my head tonight while I am sleeping I am sure it will be "visions of seedlings and plants"....... :^)

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

LOL tt, I love your dreams/visions, LOL
Hope you get to put it up soon. Isn't it exciting tho, to finally have a greenhouse?

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

I am very excited to have finally gotten closer to actually having my own greenhouse! There has been a lot things I have not done in the garden because I knew when winter came I would have no place to put some of those lovely plants and they would just freeze over the winter. I just had another vision from the "little shop of horrors" saying "feed me Seymour, feed me" hee hee.......

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)


Based on readinh what folks have posted on the GW thread regarding the HFGH I would advise you to take out the packing list and carefully check to make sure that all the parts are included and in good shape. If they're not now is the time to get back to the store and get replacements!! From what I hear it's not much good contacting the company since they take several months to send replacements.

Good Luck and enjoy!

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

Thank you for letting me know that Molly. I will do that first thing as soon as I open the box.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

What are your plans for foundation material? I used railroad ties and they worked very well. My HFGH is anchored down on them very well and I haven't had any trouble with the lightweight aluminum frame. I would also suggest, if I may, that you dig out a little floor space to give you a little head room.

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

I purchased a lot of glazed brick at an auction a few years ago. I think they were meant to line outside BBQ pits. They kind of look like cinderblock but not as wide. That is going to be the floor. I thought that using them would proved some insulation on the ground. To anchor the outside I was going to use some of those square treated posts that are used when you build an outside deck. The greenhouse looks pretty tall in the picture. How far down would you suggest I dig to provide extra height?

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I forget how tall you are., but digging down a couple of inches would provide even a little more head room. But it's just a thought..

I'm a long way's from giving too much carpentry advice.. But , I think the square treated posts would probably work well.

When are you expecting it to arrive? Are you going to attach to your home?

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

I have the box sitting outside. My height is about 5'10". Not going to attach it to anything. I actually took a short walk around the garden area this evening to see where the snow had melted first. That should give me an idea of the sunniest spots during the winter. I have a general idea where to put it but nothing specific. Right now I am just enjoying planning and looking at the box. LOL

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Depending on what you're growing, the extra height can be nice for the plants too. I grow a number of tropical trees that have to be put in the GH for the winter, so I purposely bought a greenhouse that was a foot or so taller than the standard greenhouse height, yours is the standard height so if you want to make it taller you'll have to dig down (or build it on a raised base).

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

Based on your input I think I will definately make it taller. The easiest would be to build on a base, so that is probably what I will do. There is not a lot of flat land so I was going to raise it up some to make it level. I might as well plan on raising it up some more. I really appreciate the ideas you all have given me. I would not have thought to raise it up to accomodate trees and such. Nor would I have thought about the silicone caulk to make the panels adhere better and make it more watertight. I have a feeling that this will take a while as I am going to have to put it up by myself. What a wonderful project to look forward to. It will have to wait until I am sure that we will not be getting more snow and really frigid weather. I have Reynaud's syndrome which is what they used to call "poor circulation". I have a lot of trouble with my hands in cold weather and have to be cautious about frost bite. Where other people would feel chilly my fingers turn white and I lose feeling in them pretty quickly. I am going to have so much fun with this!

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

You may want to try and find some help to put it together--I bought a 5x9 greenhouse (another brand, not HF) this fall and put it together by myself, but it was definitely not easy and some parts don't quite fit together right because I didn't have help. With the side walls, I had some issues because it's just not possible for one person to hold both ends of a 9' long wall, and then the roof pieces were a bit too heavy and awkward to get into position

Johns Island, SC

I totally agree with ecrane3, tetleyt!! I've built 3 of them now and had to have help on all 3...even the little 4'x6' was too much for one person. You'll need at least one person to hold one end of a panel/wall/brace/strut in place while you work on the other end.

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