February's Daily Weather, #II, Still anxious for Spring!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

kiska what a GREAT fort or playhouse!
Unfortunately the Ohio River is only blue because of the sun angle and the sky reflection.
It's actually pretty muddy. But yesterday it was magic time!

Kelli I think I speak for everyone here when I say the shots of the Spring Flowers are a breath of fresh air.
And again for everyone on the 83 °F temps there....PSSSSSSSSSSTTTTT! Yeah just rub it in! LOL!
Seriously I'm glad SOMEONE is having warm weather!

It's 27 °F here. 4" of fresh snow and we're off to the Hot Tub where it's 106 °F ! So there!

Whoops forgot..gardengus we are big time 'shroomers!
In fact by Thursday or Friday (assuming the temps DO hit the 40's) we will be harvesting Oysters!

(Zone 3b)

Ric - even if the river isn't normally blue, that is how I'll always think of it :) very pretty. A couple of our grown kids have Hot Tubs; outdoors, and they love telling me how their hair "clatters" as it freezes...I guess it's really nice to be out in it on a snowy night...
The grandkids love getting under that tree -
School/Lazy Mt.

Thumbnail by kiska
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

The coldest we've been out here is 18 degrees.
Since I enclosed the HT w/ a tarp it's probably 32 in there. (but we still have a 10' walk to the tub)
So no clatter.
In fact the tub is a bit too hot at 106°. We look like Lobsters! LOL
Today I dialed it back to 104°

I always think of it as Blue also..... It is still a shock to go to the banks and see the mud......

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Bright morning sunshine, but alas still cold. I need springtime warmth so I can start working compost into the beds,

Richmond on Tuesday, not looking forward too the drive, then Greensboro next week not looking forward to that drive either, but I should be able to stop & visit with Shoe on the way back.

Have a good day all.

Sharon, as soon as it gets a little warmer I will try to pack up some veggie plants for you, so far the only thing that has not germinated really well is the onions (gotta figure that one out).

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Kelli – great pictures!
Amanda – hope you feel better soon. Nyquil is good!
Kiska – I rub olive oil and sea salt and pepper on the potatoes, wrap in alum foil and cook for about an hour. Poke a fork in them to test. I really like the flavor. Your GK’s look like they’re having a great time!
Dyson – sounds good – Thanks!

Lake Wind Advisory in effect from 9 am this morning to 6 PM EST this afternoon...
Freeze watch in effect from late tonight through Monday morning...
Partly cloudy early in the morning then clearing. Brisk. High 52. Northwest winds increasing to around 20 mph with occasional gusts to 30 mph. Wind chills 28 to 33 in the morning.

44.4 °F / 6 °C
Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 49%
Dew Point: 27 °F / -3 °C
Wind: 5.0 mph / 8 km/h from the NNW
Wind Gust: 9.6 mph / 15 km/h
Pressure: 30.06 in / 1017.8 hPa(Rising)
Windchill: 41 °F / 5 °C
Visibility: 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers
UV: 0 out of 16
Clouds: Mostly Cloudy 5000 ft / 1524 m
(Above Ground Level)

If y'all wouldn't mind - please say a prayer for my friend Tressa (she's in ICU) - she was in a near fatal car accident Friday night. She was hit by a drunk driver, just found out last night. Thanks.

My daffodils, still in pot.

This message was edited Feb 18, 2007 8:23 AM

Thumbnail by MySharona
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

16° (Wind Chill 5°) we were at 11°

Grey and a high of 28° today.
I woke to the sound of Cardinals screaming at each other.
Actually they are singing for territory but at 7 AM it sounds like screaming! lol
At the Fruit Suet feeders there are at least a dozen Robins.
They winter here so it's not a sign of Spring but a sign all their natural food is gone.
The yard is full of tunnels where the squirrels are digging for acorns
All the mimosa seeds are stripped off the tree.
For those looking for my shipment of seeds fear not there are plenty buried under the snow....
squirrel tunnels there too!

The long range forecast is looking even better!
DAY Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
HI (F) 48 47 54 53 56 62 52

If we break freezing it will be the first time since January 27th.


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Sharon we crossed.
The Daffs are gorgeous!
I will hold your friend Tressa in my Heart.
Here's hoping she has a speedy and complete recovery!


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

It is beautiful outside and there's finally enough snow to cover all the tall grass clumps. It's still snowing, forecast is 3"- 8" more today/tonight. There must be 30 or more birds fighting over the 6 ports on one feeder and nearly that many at the larger feeder with a saucer base.

Even Gracie (my outside cat) was in her "house" this morning so she's slowly getting used to it. It's not warm in there yet because the front is fully open so there's nothing to keep in the heat from the lamp. I think I'll start putting a towel down a few inches over the opening today, or maybe prop up a window sash at an angle to block some wind and leave visability and access.

Someone asked what is the norm for winter snow here... I really don't know (my first winter here) except my neighbors have said there's not been much this year. I think it has snowed about 8-10 times but not more than 2-3" each time. This snow should starting going away Wednesday with the forecast of rain and warmer temps getting here.

Wesley Chapel, FL(Zone 9a)

The Christmas Cactus decided to have another go this weekend.

Thumbnail by skaz421
(Zone 5a)

Hello everyone :-)

I haven't had a chance to get caught up yet - just wanted to drop by and say Hi! :-) Seems a lot of you have been getting some seriously nasty winter wether this past week - hope things are improving!

It's been above freezing here since Thursday - so it's looking like spring again. My snowdrops are starting to come up :-) Current weather is overcast, ligh breeze and 45°F. It's a very welcome change although I didn't mind the snow at all ...... it's just good to get a break from it once in a while. The days are getting longer and it feels like spring is just around the corner ....... well at least while the weather is this nice ;-) Sunrise was at 9:16 and sunset will be at 6:09 pm :-) A vast improvement since December!!

Today is the first day in the old norse month Góa - the last of the winter months - and it's "wife's day" or konudagur so it's my turn to get pampered ;-) DH bought me the most beautiful long stemmed red roses and made a delicious brunch for me complete with bacon,eggs, yogurt, fresh fruit, fresh bread and camenbert ...... so delicious :-) What a nice way to wake up!

Last night was the icelandic preliminary to the Eurovision song contest to select our entry this year. For those of you in Europe you know what I'm talking about. The girls and I just love the Eurovision song contest and the girls were so excited last night .... it was really funny. Selma was so worried that some awful song would be selected like last year, but fortunately the best song won in our opinion so now we'll just wait anxiously for May to see how it'll do in Helsinki :-)
Adina - the romanian singer from last year's contest, Mihai was a special guest and performed his song Tornero, which was really popular here last summer. I think it's a great song :-) Do you know why part of the lyrics are in Italian? We've wondered about that alot ;-)

Anyways, hope you all have a wonderful day! Lots of great photos that I'll have to take a closer look at when I get a chance.

Here's a photo of the girls with their bikes on Friday. Hildur Eva has been waiting for ages to be able to ride her bike so she was very happy :-)

Thumbnail by rannveig
(Zone 5a)

Sharon - so sorry to read about your friends accident - that is so awful. I'll pray for her speedy recovery.


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Happy Konudagur Rannveig!

Love that shot of the girls.
It's fuuny to see kids in snowmobile suits on bikes!
Wouldn't happen here for sure. These kids are all whimps! LOL

Are those houses across the street metal?


Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Rann: The girls look sooo happy on their bikes. You're up to practically a whole day of sunlight!
Skaz: Beautiful Christmas cactus. I was given one as a gift in Dec. but it hasn't bloomed. :(
Sharon: So sorry to hear about your friend. Thoughts and prayers with her.

Currently 48 , sunny and breezy.
Low tonight 24, but looking good in the long term.

I'm keeping my spring spirits up by planting seeds.


(Zone 5a)

Thanks Ric and Deb :-) The houses accross the street are timber houses. They were built after the eruption in the Vestmann islands back in 1973. The whole island had to be evacuated in a hurry and a lot of houses were buried in lava and ash .... so many people lost everything and didn't return to the island. The block accross the street is all timber houses that were built for some of the families that lost their homes. The houses on my side of the street are concrete.

Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

Great photo of the kids rannveig! It's surprising to see you have no snow there.
I ordered some Blue Poppy seeds today. I was inspired by the photos you posted when you first joined Dave's.

The snow here is deep. Way over my knees in much of the yard so I'm not venturing out much. I did have to wade through it to get to the birdfeeders though. It's been a steady 19 degrees and windy here most of the day with sun and snow squalls. One minute it's snowing like the dickens, the next it's sunny again. We're expecting our first day with temps above freezing on Tuesday. I'm going to head out and try to do a little winter photography.

Photo: Sunrise over French Creek


Thumbnail by Early_Bloomer
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

GREAT sunrise shot, e_b!!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Wow, some really neat pictures this last week!

I'm hopelessly behind again.

It's a nice sunny day and almost 30*.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Rann, the girls look sooo happy... and I've lived where kids might be riding bikes in joy while the snowsuits were still needed for warmth.
Kiska, love the way they casually sit on the ice they are trying to break thru. LOL and I just knew you'd be having a little fire on the deck. It being so perfect for it. ;-)
E_B - in the thumbnail that looks like a major conflagration in the woods. And then I enlarge it to find it is definitely a MAJOR conflagration indeed. laugh was on me. You are dedicated to be up and out photoing at those hours.
Skaz, that's one healthy, happy Christmas cactus.
low 27*, high [so far] 54* , Hum 18%

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Sharon, I forgot to say how sorry I am your friend was hurt by a drunk driver. That is so hard, to be the victim of thoughtless person. please let us know how she is doing.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

32°, bright sun, very strong wind.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Sharon, I have said a prayer for Tressa.

Early_bloomer, you picture looks divine, like an angel will appear.

Still a bit on the unseasonably warm side.

Updated: 1:51 PM PST on February 18, 2007
Observed at: Van Nuys, California
Elevation: 797 ft / 243 m
71 °F / 22 °C
Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 31%
Dew Point: 39 °F / 4 °C
Wind: 18 mph / 30 km/h / 8.2 m/s from the ESE

First bearded iris of the year. These are always the first to bloom. I don't know what they are. They came with the house. They might be "Dauntless".

Thumbnail by Kelli
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Ric – We also have squirrel tunnels! The acorns are everywhere.
Skaz – My Christmas cactus is budding as well. Yours is in full bloom!
Rann – Happy Konudagur! So glad to hear from you! I was wondering where you were. The girls look so happy on their bikes. Your brunch sounds delicious. You have a good man!
Early – Such a beautiful picture! I’m in awe!

Thank you everyone for your well wishes. I just returned from the hospital. Tressa is being kept in a light coma to keep her in a peaceful and restful state. She's on a respirator, but not because she needs it, because it helps keep her relaxed. Her sodium levels are too low (they don't know the reason) so they can't give her the medication she needs at this time. She had a blood clot removed from her brain so her face and head is very swollen. As I was leaving she was being taken for another CAT scan due to another spot detected on her brain. Amazingly, she doesn't have any broken bones, but she does have a lot of small scratches and the bruising ugh…. Please keep her in your prayers.


Thumbnail by MySharona
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

T & Ps for Teressa Sharon.
Rann, so great to have you back and love the girls all snug for bicycleing. It was the same temp in Jacksonville, Fl as Iceland???
E_B you have d-mail. Just an awesome shot.
Kelli, thanks for the bait for spring, and Steve, please pop in more often.
Here at 5:21PM,
54.1 °F / 12.3 °C
Humidity: 20%
Dew Point: 14 °F / -10 °C
Wind: 8.1 mph / 13 km/h from the NNW
Wind Gust: 8.3 mph / 13 km/h
It seems much colder with the low Humidity, which is not what I would have guessed.
I miss Joey!

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Forgot the weather...:)

It has been a very beautiful, but very blustery day!
Freeze warning in effect from 2 am to 9 am EST Monday...
Lake Wind Advisory in effect until 6 PM EST this afternoon...
Clear and cold. Low 31°. Northwest winds decreasing to 5 to 10 mph. Wind chills 28 to 33.

53.4 °F / 11 °C
Humidity: 25%
Dew Point: 19 °F / -7 °C
Wind: 7.0 mph / 11 km/h from the WNW
Wind Gust: 11.2 mph / 18 km/h
Pressure: 30.09 in / 1018.8 hPa

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Kelli: That's a beautiful iris (and a nice pic, too!)
Sharon/Skaz: What's the secret to getting the Cristmas cactus to bloom?

Seems to be a blustery day in the east. Tuesday is "thaw" day! Yahoo!


Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Kelli - Please point all available fans eastward, we can use any warmth we can get over here.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

If only we could do a heat for precipitation swap.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

I wounder how long it would take to run a water pipeline from Smith Mountain Lake to Los Angeles? I haven't been there since hitch-hiking through in the late eighties, but if my memory is not completely gone, it is quite a distance.

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Kelli - very pretty iris you have!
Deb - this is a link on how to care for a cc...mine is outside in full sun.


Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Thanks Sharon. I think I see what I'm doing wrong.

Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the kind comments on the sunrise photo. I cross French Creek twice every morning and that morning, when I arrived at work (about a mile down the road) I made it about halfway across the parking lot before I turned around, got back in the car and called in "late." I went back and spent almost an hour photographing the sunrise. It was one of those magical mornings that really make you feel alive.

Here's another from the same morning.


Thumbnail by Early_Bloomer
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

It got into the 40s today and it felt NIIIICCE!!! LOL. Supposed to be in 50s tomorrow. I was feeling well enough to get out of the house and go on a 3 1/2 mile hike at work today. If it had been colder I would have skipped it so I wouldn't get sicker but the weather was perfect. We saw a bald eagle once and several times saw different hawks. It was slick out since the snow has turned to slush but overall not bad hiking. I'm taking NyQuil again tonight to help banish this thing for once and all.

Sharon, keep us updated on your friend. Hope no other major problems occur and she gets better.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

E_B, you shoot the most amazing photos. Keep sharing them with us!!

(Zone 3b)

4:15pm; sunny, 26*F., fire in the chimera and have been out soaking up the sunlight...there's even warmth to it....another beautiful day...We were in Anchorage today, and while there, took some photos of the Alaska Range, and Mt. McKinley..
Rann - love the seeing the girls again out at play - sounds as if you've had a great day.
e_b - beautiful - - - -
Thoughts and Prayers, too, Sharon, for your friend...
We're getting ready to go to town; loved seeing and reading from everyone again...Just love this site :)
Mt.McKinley as seen from Anchorage.

Thumbnail by kiska
(Zone 3b)

Anchorage -

Thumbnail by kiska
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Alaska is on my wish list for places to visit one of these days. Until I am able to make it that far I have to visit there thru your photos. Keep em coming!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

e_b those shots are Beautiful!

21° here after a high of 28° . Our average low for this date is 26°
W/ the Sun though the GH was 82°. Guess where the cats were hanging out...................

Tomorrow it's 'supposed' to be near 50!
W/ almost 30" of snow and ice between the house and garage it will be there a while.......


Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Currently 20 degrees and very windy. Snow today and winds picked up snow and deposited it in the driveway ( hee,hee). It is supposed to get up above freezing Tuesday- yeah, right. We are lucky we do not have the ice accumulations that Ric and some others in Ohio have. Spring is coming!

(Zone 5a)

Good morning everyone!

Thanks for your nice comments - the girls were very happy to get the bikes out - they've had enough of winter ;-) They're not wearing snow suits - Selma Rún has her rain coat and pants on and Hildur Eva a thick jacket or coat and fleecepants ...... practically summer gear ..... or spring at least! lol

EB - your sunrise photos are absolutely stunning!

Kiska - love your photos from Anchorage :-)

It's a bit blustery today, overcast and 43°F. I think we might get some rain and more wind later on .... at least according to the forecast - I'll be happy if it won't materialize.

Today is "Bolludagur" which I don't know how to translate ....."ball" day is the only thing I can come up with "balls" as in meatballs. The "balls" we'll be having today are pastry ones, filled with jam and whipped cream and topped with a chocolate icing ..... I'll try to get a photo today. Then it'll be fish"balls" for dinner. The pastry "balls" are something we picked up from Denmark and they are very delicious. We cheated and had some yesterday and Saturday as well, we only have them once a year so better enjoy them ;-)

Hope you'll all have a great day!!


Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Kiksa – beautiful pictures. How far is Anchorage from Palmer?
Ric – Can’t say I blame the cats for hanging out in the GH! That’s where you’d find me too with those outdoor temps!
Rann – the pastry Bolludagur sound similar to donuts. The fish – not sure if we have something comparable.

No new news on Tressa. I'm going to call the hospital later today to get an update.

36.9 °F / 2 °C
Humidity: 40%
Dew Point: 15 °F / -9 °C
Wind: 3.0 mph / 4 km/h from the NW
Wind Gust: 5.4 mph / 8 km/h
Pressure: 30.30 in / 1026.0 hPa
Visibility: 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers
UV: 0 out of 16
Clouds: Clear -
(Above Ground Level)

Freeze warning in effect until 9 am EST this morning...
Mostly sunny. High 53. Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph shifting to the east in the afternoon. Wind chills 24 to 29.
It's a tad chilly outside!

Thumbnail by MySharona

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