Annual Sweet Peas...

(Zone 4a)

If I were to start growing them indoors now - would they be ready for spring? Zone 4 here. I think it still might be a bit too early???

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

I would hold off another month or you end up being overun my scrawney seedlings.

(Zone 4a)

Ha good idea. This is the first time EVER that I will be doing this. Not really sure what to do but I guess I will figure it out. I am guessing there are instructions on the seed package right? LOL

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Yes. They tell you how many weeks before your last frost date to plant. What is your last frost date?

Edgartown, MA(Zone 7a)

I came across a 1938 Burpee seed catalog in my bookcase the other day and thought it was interesting that seven pages were devoted to sweet peas and today in Burpees on-line catalog they are offering six different varieties. I suppose there are trends in annuals as well as fashion. kt

Quaker Hill, CT(Zone 6b)

Ah, a Vineyarder. How interesting about the sweet peas! Seven pages! I have seen numerous varieties in catalogs and web sites but nothing that would rival seven pages. I quite love them but they can be fleeting.

No, definitley don't start them yet. Have you grown them outside before DawnLL?


(Zone 4a)

Hmmm now I am rethinking sweet peas....are they too invasive?? I was thinking of using them just in my hanging planters and stuff??? What do you think??

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

There are so many beautiful hanging begonias that I'd go with them. You can save them for the future, too.

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