Has anyone made homemade suet?

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

I just went to the butcher and have about 7 pounds of tallow waiting to be rendered and then I will add seeds. I have read that the melting fat smells up the house even though it is on low heat. Is this true? How stinky will it get? Any tips for making the cakes? We are using old suet containers to form the cakes.


Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

yes it is pretty bad. You can just use lard. Much easier lol. I use
1 c lard
1 c extra crunchy peanutbutter
1/4 c sugar
4 c plain yellow corn meal
1 c plain flour
optional finch seed, sunflower chips, raisins what ever you,like
I cream the lard peanutbutter and sugar, then start adding the cornmeal, usually have to change over to dough hooks, I use flour last because i usually can't get it all in. Just put in containers and keep in the fridge

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, bluekat-- My kids can't stand the smell--even just a bit of frozen suet cake thawing in the microwave for 20 seconds drives them crazy.

I did read that someone renders their suet in an electric fry pan outside on their deck. Someone else uses a camp stove outside.

I also read that you can have the butcher grind the suet (twice) like hamburger and use it as is--just put it out in a dish or attach it in a onion (type) bag to a tree or use it that way with seeds and peanut butter--no cooking needed.

I myself use prepared lard (in buckets from the grocery) or crisco (some say to use the stuff in the green containers) or even just stir some peanut oil into the peanut butter and cornmeal or whatever you are using.

I make my own 'suet' mixtures all the time, although I seldom use real 'suet' from the butcher. I don't really follow a particular recipe but sort of 'create' with what I have on hand. The birds (usually) love it.

Here's one recipe for Woodpeckers from Birdwatcher's Digest

Woodpecker's Pick

Submitted by Elmer Petershelm

1 cup crunch peanut butter
2 cups quick oats
2 cups corn meal
1 cup pure lard (no substitutes)
1 cup white flour
1/2 cup white sugar
Melt the peanut butter and lard over medium heat, being careful not to burn the mixture. Remove from heat and stir in remaining ingredients. Sunflower hearts, extra peanuts, or raisins can be added if desired. Pour mixture into containers and chill. Store in a cool place.

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

I made something last weekend, not actually suet (no fat) because I was out of the cakes and didn't want to go to the store. I just partially melted a large ( I think 32 oz) jar of store brand crunchy peanut butter, then added about 1 cup of raisins and maybe 1 cup of regular oats. I just added the oats until I couldn't stir it easily any more. I put it in the frig, in a greased pan, to firm up and then put 2 big globs in a large cage feeder. The rest is still in the frig, I don't know how long it keeps. I've seen Titmice, Chickadees, Woodpeckers, Nuthatches and today a Mockingbird eating it.

Thumbnail by sadie_mae
Maysville, MO(Zone 5a)

Heres some home made I tried out on my new home made feeder. Took the Red Bellied about 5 minutes to find it!

Thumbnail by Moonlighter
Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the replies and recipes! Those are happy birds enjoying your homemade efforts sadie and Moonlighter!

I can confirm that melting tallow is extremely stinky! We put a lid on the pot and lit a couple of candles. When it was melted we put it outside and my BF strained it. I couldn't take the smell. Just thinking about it makes my gag reflex want to kick in. Next time - if there is one - it will go out on the grill burner to render.

I need to raid the pantry for some yummy nibbles for the birds. I hope they like my blend as much as the store bought ones they have been getting!


Starkville, MS

I have bought suet feeders of different sorts and my birds love them. As for making my own, I just use peanut butter and mix in whatever is handy. I put in whatever seed mix I have, sunflower seeds, ground corn, ground dog food, small chunks of doggie treat biscuits, raisins, nuts, etc. No recipe - just throw it all in and stir.

I have several old meat grinders - you know the kind, that mount on the side of a table? - I grind up dried field corn, nut meats, dog food, whatever. The grinder puts out a wide variety of size from chunks to powder. The larger pieces I put in with the seed mix and put it out on the feeders, the powder and finer pieces I add to the peanut butter mix.

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