7 Letter Word Game - With a Twist

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Hello Folks

We have been playing this game at one of the regional forums but wanted to try it here in Games to see if we can get more people to play. The rules are the same as the regular 7-Letter game:

Scramble the letters for a new 7-letter word
Optinal to change just one letter
Must be dictionary word

Additional rules:
Must use your word in a sentence
Must also use the immeidately previous word

Here's our recent example: started was before tatters


Magpie started this game and it is in tatters since her departure. Sure, try it in the Games forum.


I hate to shatter this sweet game in my default forum but you're right - it's in tatters. I'll switch it to Games later, or you can do it sooner if you like

I'll post my new word in a fresh thread, using shatter as the last word.

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