Clematis for Zone 9

Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

Can anyone recommend a good clematis, for a shady area (morning sun only...faces north) trellis in this area? I love them, have never grown one, and I need full coverage on this trellis. Approx. 9'H x 6'W.

Any suggestions would be most appreciated!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Knolan..any of the Viticella's/pruning group 3's would be awesome for a first time clematis in your you have a particular color you'd like?...Also you can go to "Clematis on the Web" and click on "Clematis Search" and then put in "Tepal Color" and click on the menu on "Group"...scroll and click on "Viticella"...this will bring up the ones that you might consider..I love this site as it will also tell you height

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


This website lists Clematis that enjoy growing on the North side or in a partially shaded area.

Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

Thank you both so much! These websites are going to take a loooooong time to browse through and pick out what I want. So far, I've picked out more tan a dozen that I would love to have.

Awesome! I'll post my choice(s)...hahaha.


Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm past 20. Here are my double stars (let me know what ya'll think):

Vyvyan Penell
Denny's Double
Pupura Plena Elegans
Etoile Violet

What a tough decision! I think my spot will be perfect for these gorgeous plants. I had no idea we could grow them well down this far.

By the way, JeanneTX - I grew up in Willis! My Dad and uncle still live up on the lake!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey Knolan..I live in 7 coves!!..Anywhere near me??...My Favourite of the the Viticella's is Venosa Violacea...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

Right across from you. My uncle has the weird house that looks like it has a Chinese roof in old Cap's Edition. My grandmother owned the pretty little house next to it before she passed away. My father lives in Twin Shores.

That is gorgeous!

Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

I meant to ask, how tall does that get? I'm looking for something in the 10' range. It will replace a passion flower that 1) doesn't get enough sun and 2) the gulf fritillary's devour it's at the entrance to my porch so I need something that won't be eaten alive all of the time. I'll transplant the pf for the cats in an area not so exposed.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Small world ..isn't it..I think I know which house you mean..LOL.."VV" can get to be anywhere from 6-12 feet tall...but remember she is a pruning group 3 and that means you hard prune her around Feb 14th and fertilize her and she will bloom on the new vines I hard prune her about 3 time during our long growing season and refertilize and get three bloom periods...
we are very fortunate with our long growing season as far as the group 3's are concerned...Jeanne

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