Silver Lace Vine

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

I have a silver lace vine that has covered it's trellis fast and well. It is huge. I'd like to cut it back as it seems to be eating the trellis, gate and fence.

When is the best time to cut this vine back? How much can you cut it back without killing it. Do you fertilize it? If so with what?

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Cut it back any time. You can cut it Waaaaaaay back and not hurt it. No fertilizer is needed unless you have a little manure to make tea to water it with. I have one and I do the cropping every spring, during the summer and fall - otherwise, it would cover my three story house!!!

Charlevoix, MI(Zone 4b)

Ohhh...loon! I wondered how they did in Michigan! Of course we're ever so slightly warmer down here. I want to plant some along a couple of fences. Do you remember where you bought yours?

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)


I can't seem to remember where I bought mine. It may have been at Blocks downstate. I go down there every spring to buy my flowers and vegetables since it's so much cheaper. I know it's been planted about two years now. Here is a picture of it the first year I planted it. It looked pretty nice here. I should have cut it back last spring and didn't and it sort of got away from me. I'll chop it back this spring though for sure. I did transplant a sweet autumn clematis and planted it right next to it and they sort of complimented each other. You can't see it in this pic though. They're both vigorous vines and that is what I like. Something that is tough and can take care of itself pretty much. Ha!

Thumbnail by Loon
Charlevoix, MI(Zone 4b)

Sweet Autumn Clematis is another one I was thinking about. Your silver lace vince looks nice!

Where is Blocks?

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Blocks in near Metro Airport in Romulus. It is on the corner of Eurkea and Middlebelt. They have over 50 greenhouses and grow a lot of their own stuff. They sell flats cheaper than anybody I know of and their stuff is very healthy. It is about the only thing I miss from living downstate. I went back last year and may go back this year. I don't know. It is a long way to go to buy flowers and vegetable plants. Ha!

There is a nice nursery here in Au Gres called In Season Landscaping. They have a lot of perennials and their stuff is very healthy. They might have silver lace vines. I'll look when they open and let you know. She has a large variety of perennials and annuals.

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi Loon....have you tried Swartzes greenhouse or Ray Hunters???Those 3 are my favorite in the downriver area...Blocks will be opened in the middle of May...but if their ready sooner..they let you in to buy...

Swatzes sell Proven Winners now...for under $3.00....Another good place is Bobs Fruit Market on Dix off of Northline..

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

I have been to Swartz but I don't think I've been to Ray Hunters. Blocks usually opens in the end..........depending on weather. I have their phone number and usually call till I find out they're open. They usually open a few days before their sign says they're going to open. It's always swamped. You can get flats and hanging baskets for $7.99 I think. Went up from $6.99. Still a good bargain compared to English Gardens who sells for double that or more.

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Hi Loon,

I have a gorgeous Silver Lace Vine
covering an arch over our south gate.

It doesn't really get out of control because
in the summer time, I zip that sucker with the
Weedeater a few times. I've been known to
just grab and cut whatever lands in my hand.

The SLV around here is trimmed whenever I
have a moment. Before spring would be an excellent
time to do it, though you may have to snip again in
summer due to the new growth.

I sure do love my SLV and have often
thought about transplanting a few cuttings, just haven't
gotten around to it.

:-) KM

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