help! tips on starting banana seed??

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I have seeds for 2 types of banana (musa velutina and musa coccuinea). Not sure how fresh they are. But it can't hurt to to plant them and see what happens. I thought I'd ask here first for any tips on the best way to germinate musa seed. I know they can take a long time.

thanks much

Orlando, FL

Never heard of planting Banana seed. Fran

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Gram: I planted 3 types of musa seeds a couple of months back (first try ever). One (sikkimensis) did sprout. The other two haven't yet. I soaked them in water overnight before planting and then placed the pots in an east facing window. That's bout all I know. In fact, I'm about to post a question about what to do to keep the little sprout goin'.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Deb, that's very encouraging that you got one to sprout! I know they can take some time. and that they should be soaked. I think I read something that said they can take up to a year, but I can't find it again. Guess I should just go ahead and give it a try. thanks...gram

Chickenville, FL(Zone 9a)

I have grown banana from seed. Mostly the ornamental types produce seed. I soaked the seed for 3 days. Changing the water once a day at least. Then I put them in peat pod in the little green house thing on a heat mat. Some germinated in about a month. The are very variable in how soon they germinate. It depends on the freshness of the seed. I got disgusted with a few esente ventricosum seeds that were about a yr old when I got them so I threw them in the container with the big banana. That was last summer and this spring one came up!

That is very interesting I did not know you could grow bananas from seed.Thanks for the info:)

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

well, I have mine in some seed starting mix on top of my orchid grow lights for warmth. they've been there since March and I don't have any germination yet, but I'll keep them for at least a year before I give up on them.

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