Just introducing myself

Round Pond, ME(Zone 5a)

Just joined up but I've lurked about for a couple of days. I live on the coast of Maine, on the Pemaquid peninsula. Mostly I'm interested in vegetables but i'd love to branch out to flowers. looks like there's a great community here...

Thumbnail by kfw
Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Welcome kfw. Great picture!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

welcome kfw I'm new too. I'm just the opposite I'm into flowers and would like to eventually start veggies. What kind of bird is that in the pic?

Providence, RI(Zone 6a)

Welcome kfw! Love your photo (wild turkey?). I joined in November although have mostly lurked.

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Wow! Thats a beautiful turkey!
We have flocks of them here, sometimes 30 or so. They are nice and fat and like to stop right in the middle of the road and tie up traffic.
Welcome to the forum!

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Welcome kfw - nice bunch of people here.


Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Hi everyone
Im new too, thought Id introduce myself, Im a friend of Marks in England.
I love my garden, which was a heap of overgrown grass 6yrs. ago when I moved in. Everyone seems so nice.

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Welcome kfw & Hazel ... believe anything Al and Dave say... they are experts!

This is really a great group!!!!

Tamberlin... so far no turkeys next to my house... but plenty of Bambies, Chip & Dale and turtles!!!!

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Hi, kfw. welcome! lots of nice folks here, lots of real friendly fun & tons of good gardening advice. my sister lives further out into the country than i do and she gets wild turkeys.

Hi, to you, too, Hazel. Did Mark bring you for reinforcements? We tease him! He is so generous. Do you have any funny 'Mark' stories you can share??

love to see pics of both of your gardens if you have any. it's a fun way to pass the winter.

so nice to see all of you new folk!

jan (aka gram)

Central New York Sta, NY

Welcome kfw!
Great pic ... I have wild turkeys that cross through the woods around my home. This is my first year putting out bird feeders - I hadn't even thought that those turkeys might take a detour at the house!!

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Welcome from me, too. We have problems with wild turkeys getting frisky on the Merritt Parkway in the Spring. Not nice to hit a couple of turkeys at 50 miles an hour.

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi again... you can also believe anything Gram+ YCat says too... they are also wonderful!!!!! lol!!!! seriously!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Welcome kw. If Cape Cod (my favorite place on earth besides home) wasn't in the way I could wave to you! This is the nicest forum on all of DG - no arguing, no bickering, just fun and lots of good information.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Looky! looky! new faces. What fun!

Hi kfw nice to have ya aboard. Back when I lived in NY we vacationed in your area. Loved it, camped out at Hermit Island over there by Small Point and Popham Beach. Know we went through Round Pond when we went out to tourist at the Ft Henry site. I'm from clear out in the desert of Utah, but they let me play here whenever I get by. Nice bunch, truly helpful and a giggle on a grey day. All up and down the coast of Maine was our favorite place to spend our 3wk summer vacation.

Some of those fishermen out on those pennisulas were darn hard to understand. LOL

and welcome to Mooreha aka Hazel, any friend of Mark's will like it here. I really like hearing about folks gardening in other countrys, the climate in the UK for instance being so wonderfully different. All my favorite stories growing up were set in the countryside of England. Do you live in a small town not all that far from the next small town? With narrow roads and lots of trees?

Tehegemon, hi again, great seeing you in chat last nite. Boy-o it got busy. LOL

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Welcome newbies and lurkers, kfw, flowerjen, Hazel and tehegemon!!! Those other guys are right. We're wonderful here in The Northeast! We have a few honorary Northeasters that don't really live here, like Al and Blooms... Mike... You're welcome too Hazel! Wouldn't be the same here with out you.

Sofonisba, Sofie, or my real name: Harper

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi, ALL. Don't be shy, it's more fun when everyone participates.
Pictures are always nice, too.
Andy P

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Fabulous picture, KFW! Everyone on the Northeast Gardening formum is really so supportive. I joined in early January and I have already learned so much.

I agree with Andy P - pictures are great. :-)

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Andy - your pictures just get better and better! Really needed a flower today - it is freezing!

Spring Hill, FL(Zone 9a)

Welcome. Nice pic but you should be aware thats not the only turkey you'll find on DG lol.

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi Kassia!
We actually had a turtle this summer! Lots of chipmunks, squirrels (red and grey), deer and my arch-nemisis - the Groundhog and her extended family! Fortunately we have a family of foxes nearby that helps keep some of the wildlife under control. My 4 legged groundhog deterent (Andrew the golden retriever) has helped with the spawn of evil this year.
Do you like roses?

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

oooh, roses! Tamberlin, I'm spending most of my time planning my new rose garden for spring, as is Kassia. I've ordered 54 plants (so far) and have all my plans ready. Kass is on a roller coaster LOL. I think she's going to plant her whole neighborhood in roses ;0). Right, Kassia?

Thumbnail by grampapa
Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Hope we didn't scare kfw off!

Kassia, Very sweet but I was sure you were going to say DON"T listen to anything Al & Dave say! LOL
Actually I don't rate with the likes of so many great gardeners we have here. I'm always amazed by 2 things:
1) how much I've learned in the past 10 years.
2)how much I don't know.

There are a lot of great gardeners around here that I feel like a novice by comparison.

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

lol... Gram if I can have it my way I would plant roses all over Framingham!!!!

I have added La Belle Sultane, Veilchenblau and Rosa Dumalis to my list with Susy (north creek farm!) I think my list of roses is up to 50 (counting all the minis...) oh well...

Dave, you are Al are really good... I take advantage of your knowledge... so I trully believe you know your stuff!!!!

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Kass, everybody contributes here. If you know the answer to one question, you know your stuff. You seem to be doing much better with your indoor minis than I am.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I love to learn and constantly do it through threads. I, too, still feel like a novice and hope I always do. Learning from people who've "been there, done that" and share the experience is so helpful.

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Hmm, I think I have over 50 roses in the gardens already and am holding out on ordering more until I discover what has croaked over the winter. Its really cold and not so much in the way of snow cover. My scheme is 1) to get roses in the names of my family members: Lawson (Charles Lawson - bourbon), Elizabeth (Queen Elizabeth - grandiflora), Caroline Cecilia (St. Cecilia - Austin) and my self, Deborah - but for some reason I can't find a rose named Deborah! and 2) to get roses that I love... and that list is way to long to print!
Kassia - don't you know that minis don't count?! Have you joined the Yankee ARS? There are some great folks there and getting a discount at their rose sale in the spring doesn't hurt either!

Round Pond, ME(Zone 5a)

Thanks for all of the warm welcomes. I would have replied earlier but my hard drive "bit the dust" the morning after I posted my original message. I'm now using an old PC to post.this. To Dave47 and AYankeeCat: I grew up in Stamford...was back a few years ago for a nephews wedding...how do you deal with all of that traffic! I love it here in Maine. We spend the summers on Webb Lake in Weld at my SO's family's camp. That makes gardening a bit complicated but we make do...


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I just Googled your location and we had plans in 2005 to visit the Darmiscotta region but the rains came, if you recall, and it went on for days and days so we cut the vacation short. It's so lovely though. In 2006 we drove back from New Brunswick on Route 1 and will definitely be returning to see more.

Thumbnail by pirl
Round Pond, ME(Zone 5a)

It's a beautiful area. This shot is of our front field in June....

Thumbnail by kfw
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Wow! That's stunning - your very own Lupine Festival. We enjoyed that so much in Vermont and you have it on your own land!

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

kfw, We have a Stamford resident around this forum. John goes by letters also (jjpm I believe)

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Welcome all! I, like everyone else, love to learn from those that have already experienced the successes and losses of gardening. What better way to acquire the tools to make your own slice of heaven in your very own backyard! Blooms, I too find gardening in other countries very interesting. Hazel, what gardening benefits do you have on your side of the pond? I've been told that Washington State is a gardening paradise if you can survive all the rain. One of these days I will make there for a visit. I've never been to England and would like to someday tour the area. I had a penpal from there when I was younger.


Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Anita, I grew up in Vancouver, British Columbia - just north of Seattle. Trust me - it rains from mid-October until March. But I NEVER saw rain like what we get in Springfield Massachusetts - absolute monsoons!

As a child, my father had roses blooming in December, and by February the camillia's were blooming along with early daffodils. These were followed by rhododrendruns in March etc.

The only problem with Vancouver is the cost of housing . . . ranks right up there with Boston :-)

Hudson, OH(Zone 5b)

Welcome kfw! Enjoy! These folks are so helpful!

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

that's alot of rain! I never realized that Boston had more rain than the pacific northwest.

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