Georgia Plants for wet soil thanks to Walter Reeves

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

I've been searching for this list for a while now and I finally found it on Walter Reeves site. I have such a spot and want it to look happy too!




Bottlebrush buckeye Aesculus parviflora
Florida anise Illicium floridanum
Florida leucothoe Agarista populiflolia
Inkberry Ilex glabra
Sweet pepperbush Clethra alnifolia
Sweetshrub Calycanthus floridus
Virginia sweetspire Itea virginica
Wax myrtle Myrica cerifera
Winterberry Ilex verticillata


Bee balm Monarda didyma
Blue flag iris Iris brevicaulis
Canna Canna spp.
Ironweed Vernonia noveboracensis
Japanese iris Iris ensata
Joe-Pye weed Eupatorium purpureum
Lady fern Athyrium filix-femina
River oats Chasmanthium latifolium
Royal fern Osmunda regalis
Siberian iris Iris siberica
Spiderwort Tradescantia virginiana
Swamp sunflower Helianthus angustifolium
Sweet flag Acorus gramineus
Yellow flag Iris pseudacorus

Flowers for Damp Soil

Special note about coastal plants and plants for wet/damp areas in gardens:

Only regionally native plants should be used along beaches, coastal and savannah restoration areas.

For home gardens with wet/damp areas, non-native plants that are not invasive are suitable.

However, if the wet/damp area in question is along a stream, river, creek or lake then only regionally native plants should be used.

Astilbe Full sun – half sun
Bee balm Monarda didyma Full sun – half sun
Black snakeroot Cimifuga racemosa Half sun
Blue cardinal flower Lobelia syphilitica Half sun – shade
Blue flag iris Iris brevicaulis Full sun – half sun

Bluets Houstonia caerulea Half sun
Calla, common Zantedeschia aethiopica Full sun – half sun
Canna Full sun
Cardinal flower Lobelia cardinalis Half sun – shade
Cinnamon fern Osmunda cinnamomea Half sun – shade

Crinum Full sun – half sun
Daylily Hemerocallis Full sun – half sun
Elephant’s ear Colocasia esculenta Half sun
Foam Flower Tiarella Half sun – shade
Forget-me-not Myosostis scorpioides Half sun

Globeflower Trollius Full sun – half sun
Goat’s beard Aruncus dioicus Half sun
Golden ray Ligularia Half sun – shade
Greater celandine Chelidonium majus Half sun – shade
Horsetail Equisetum hyemale Full sun – half sun

Iris laevigata Full sun – half sun
Ironweed Vernonia noveboracensis Full sun – half sun
Jack-in-the-pulpit Arisaema triphyllum Half sun – shade
Japanese iris Iris ensata Full sun – half sun
Japanese primrose Primula japonica Half sun

Jewel Weed Impatiens capensis Half sun – shade
Joe-Pye weed Eupatorium purpureum Full sun – half sun
Lady fern Athyrium filix-femina Half sun – shade
Louisiana iris Iris fulva Full sun – half sun
Marsh marigold Caltha palustris Full sun – half sun

Marsh fern Thelpteris palustris Half sun – shade
Mint Mentha Full sun – half sun
Monkshood Aconitum Full sun – half sun
Moor grass Molinia caerulea Full sun – half sun
New England aster Aster novae-angliae Full sun

Pentas Pentas lanceolate Full sun – half sun
Queen of the Meadow Filipendula ulmaria Full sun
Perennial hibiscus Hibiscus moscheutos Full sun
Rivercane Arundinaria gigantea Half sun – shade
River oats Chasmanthium latifolium Full sun – half sun

Rodgersia Half sun
Royal fern Osmunda regalis Full sun – half sun
Rush, common Juncus effusus Full sun – shade
Sedge Carex Half sun – shade
Sensitive fern Onoclea sensibilis Full sun

Siberian iris Iris sibirica Full sun – half sun
Southern blue flag Iris virginica Full sun – half sun
Spiderwort Tradescantia virginiana Full sun – half sun
Swamp Hibiscus Hibiscus coccineus Full sun
Swamp milkweed Asclepias incarnata Full sun

Swamp sunflower Helianthus angustifolium Full sun
Sweet flag Acorus gramineus Full sun – half sun
Sweet woodruff Galium odoratum Half sun – shade
White turtlehead Chelone glabra Full sun – half sun
Yellow flag Iris pseudacorus Full sun – half sun

Trees for Damp Soil

Special note about coastal plants and plants for wet/damp areas in gardens:

Only regionally native plants should be used along beaches, coastal and savannah restoration areas. For gardens with wet/damp areas, non-native plants that are not invasive are suitable. However, if the wet/damp area in question is along a stream, river, creek or lake then only regionally native plants should be used.

American ironwood Carpinus caroliniana Full sun – half sun
Bald cypress Taxodium distichum Full sun
Bigleaf magnolia Magnolia macrophylla Full sun – half sun
Black gum Nyssa sylvatica Full sun – half sun
Box elder Acer negundo Full sun – half sun

Cabbage palm Sabal palmetto Full sun – half sun
Dahoon Holly Ilex cssine Full sun – half sun
Gordonia Gordonia lasianthus Full sun – half sun
Juneberry Amelanchier arborea Full sun – half sun
Laurel oak Quercus laurifolia Full sun

Mayhaw Crataegus opaca Full sun – half sun
Pond cypress Taxodium ascendens Full sun
Possumhaw Ilex decidua Full sun – half sun
Red maple Acer rubrum Full sun – half sun
River birch Betula nigra Full sun

Sugarberry Celtis laevigata Full sun – half sun
Swamp white oak Quercus bicolor Full sun
Sweet bay Magnolia virginiana Full sun – half sun
Sweet gum Liquidambar styraciflua Full sun
Sycamore Platanus occidentalis Full sun – half sun

Water oak Quercus nigra Full sun
Water tupelo Nyssa aquatica Full sun – half sun
White cedar Chamaecyparis thyoides Full sun – half sun
Weeping willow Salix babylonica Full sun
Shrubs for Damp Soil

Special note about coastal plants and plants for wet/damp areas in gardens:

Only regionally native plants should be used along beaches, coastal and savannah restoration areas. For gardens with wet/damp areas, non-native plants that are not invasive are suitable. However, if the wet/damp area in question is along a stream, river, creek or lake then only regionally native plants should be used.

American elderberry Sambucus canadensis Full sun – half sun
American arborvitae Thuja occidentalis Full sun – half sun
Bottlebrush buckeye Aesculus parviflora Full sun – half sun
Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentalis Full sun – half sun
Dusty zenobia Zenobia pulverulenta Half sun

Dwarf palmetto Sabal minor Full sun – half sun
Florida anise Illicium floridanum Half sun – shade
Florida Leucothoe Agarista populiflolia Half sun – shade
Inkberry Ilex glabra Full sun – half sun
Leucothoe Leucothoe axillaris Half sun – shade

Possumhaw Viburnum Viburnum nudum Full sun – half sun
Red chokeberry Aronia arbutifolia Full sun – half sun
Redtwig dogwood Cornus stolonifera Full sun – half sun
Spicebush Lindera benzoin Full sun – half sun
Sweet pepperbush Clethra alnifolia Full sun - half sun

Sweetshrub, common Calycanthus floridus Full sun – half sun
Turk’s-cap Malvaviscus arboreus Half sun – shade
Virginia sweetspire Itea virginica Full sun – half sun
Wax myrtle Morella cerifera Full sun – half sun
Winterberry Ilex verticillata Full sun – half sun

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks, Susan, I need that too.

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Lots of good info, thank you Susan (adds yet one more thread to 'watch'). Pretty soon I won't be able to see anything when I log in except threads that held nuggest of data ...LOL! I appreciate your research.


Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

:) yall are welcome!!

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

This is an answer to a prayer, Susan.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

HA! For you and me both!! :)

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Now to start dumpser diving to find them. LOL
Don' t you just love Walter's site and his TV and Radio show.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes Jim, he knows his stuff. Do you get his show down there? Sometimes I listen to it online. Actually, I already have some of the stuff on the list, which is a good things and I will surely dumpster dive for the rest or get a real good deal on it somewhere! :)


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