planting evergreens in wet area

Arlington, MA

I'd like to plant some type of evergreen in my backyard for privacy between our property and the houses behind us. There is a brook between properties and the area at the base of my backyard is always wet. The trees would not be standing in water all of the time, but their roots would be wet.

Can anyone recommend trees that are green year round and like wet conditions?

BTW, I'm just outside of the Boston area.


Concord, NH

Chamaecyparis thyoides, Atlantic white cedar, is a native evergreen that often grows naturally where it has wet feet. Its natural form is tall and not too wide, but there are selections that aren't so huge. It prefers full sun, but some of the varieties like some shade. A few of the more common varieties are listed on the U Conn website, but there are others as well if you visit the American Conifer Society's database.

Whitehouse Station, NJ

Also try black spruce (Picea mariana), white fir (Abies concolor), or balsam fir (Abies balsamea). Each is native to the Northeast (MA) and each has a different form and is tolerant of wet feet.

Arlington, MA

Thanks for your suggestions. I'll look into these.


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