iris companion plantings

Zebulon, GA(Zone 7b)

I put in a new bed of iris in the fall. Can anyone tell me what flowers would look good between the iris? I'd like to have some type of flowers after the iris finish blooming. This bed is in full sun.

Cordele, GA

I have daylilies, iris, stokesia, and glads in the same bed. I also have cosmos reseeding in that bed (not necessarily by choice).


Zebulon, GA(Zone 7b)

Do you have these plants in between the irises? I don't want to jam everything in too close, but I want color in that area after the iris bloom.
Thanks, Judy

Cordele, GA

The stokesia is in clumps around the edge. The day lilies are interspersed with the iris, but not crowded. The glads are also interspersed, but they have a very small footprint and don't seem to interfere with the iris. I thin the coreopsis by pulling it out by the root if the plants seem to be encroching on the iris. The daylilies fend for themselves for the most part.


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