Anyone grow stuff in wooden crates?

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

We have a bunch at work and I was thinking yesterday those might be good to use..So I thought I'd ask and see what you all grow in them and how does it work out for you/

(Zone 1)

Hey Lisa .... what kind of wooden crates are you talking about? If I were you, I would definately give it a try. Maybe you could post a photo of one. Do they have a solid wood bottom? If so, I would drill holes for drainage and fill them with soil and just plant whatever in them! Sure hope you give it a try and post a photo too! I would love to find some wood crates for planting! What kind of company do you work for that has wooden crates?

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

I grow lots of plants, mainly stuff I'm growing on for use as future bonsai material, in wooden boxes like the one in the picture. They work extremely well. They help hold moisture, allow a little more gas exchange than even terra-cotta, and help keep root temperatures lower than many/most other container materials. Admittedly, they are not too esthetically pleasing, but they're hard to beat for function. The container in the photo is lacking drain holes, which were easily added with a drill.


Thumbnail by tapla
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

You might also consider putting a plastic container or liner inside the crate, unless the crate is made of pressure treated wood, contact with wet soil will make it rot pretty quickly.

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