Amaryllis ID and pollen?

Chicago, IL

This was purchased last year with the tag "Solomon", but it has never really had a white or green heart. Does anyone know if it's just a variant or maybe something completely different? Thanks!

Thumbnail by scubadoobie
Chicago, IL

And a second question's been really exciting to read everyone else's posts, and I was very happy that my amaryllis bulbs are having flowers again this year (I'm kind of a newbie so the dormancy and reviving were new...). SO what next? Well, I thought it would be neat to try to pollinate, but I took a look at my Elvas and its parts look completely different from my other bulbs! The pollen is at the end of what look like skinny leaves, and I can't find anything that has that typical three-pronged sticky receptacle (stamen/stigma). Does anyone know more about Elvas and its anatomy ;)? The "Solomon" one is really easy to tell where everything is.

Thumbnail by scubadoobie
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Your orange Hippi isn't 'Solomon', which as you note, has a white throat, and additionally, there will be a dark ring around the tepal bases. I will leave it to others to narrow the field on which orange cultivar you have.

About 'Elvis' and other doubles:

You will rarely find a double-flowered Hippi with a fully developed and perfect style and stigma and rarely will the anthers be normal either. The filaments (stem holding the anther) are usually expanded into decorative petals.

You will see the anthers, as best as they can develop, along the sides if those "petaloids". The pollen on them can be good for pollinating if the cultivar isn't a sterile triploid. Try it and see.

Good luck!


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

How about Apricot Beauty or Sunrise? Plant Files has photos of both.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

The thing about your flower is that I haven't seen another orange hybrid with such wonderfully rounded tepals. I'm intersted to know what it is, but I can't find another that looks like it! That trait sets it apart form the lot.

I saw the DG pic from bsharf of 'Sunrise' and it looks a lot like that one. On the 'net, I saw a bulb from Penning Company (NL) called 'Naranja' and it had the rounded tepals as well That looks like another possibility.

I'm out of ideas, but I'm still looking. Post some more pics, so we can keep looking and enjoying it.

Oh, and comparing it to others to decide the ID....tee-hee.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I agree with raydio: I like the shape of the bloom.

Chicago, IL

Thanks for all the input! I agree it looks a lot like "Sunrise"....I'm kind of new at this and not as attuned to things like tepal shapes so this is great! (I have to say it is a little frustrating because this one came with the actual tag and picture on it too.) Having a pretty orange one in the office somewhat makes up for our horrible weather here in Chicago (wind chills in the -20 something range this AM).

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

About trying to set seed on 'Elvas' (which, BTW, is Hungarian for "runaway".)

See if you can find a stigma, which will be "funky" looking if it exists at all. You can try to dab pollen on it.

I have heard that some people cut the style short, and put pollen directly on the open end to try to set seed on flowers with a deformed stigma or twisted styles.

Give it a shot if you can.


Chicago, IL

Thanks to all for the help! Well, whatever the orange one was, it seems to be pregnant now!!! Unfortunately, I was trying to dab pollen on there and got a little mixed up (overexcited about little botanical experiment) not sure if all were self-pollinated or if some of my donor Elvas pollen may have taken. I've tried to self-pollinate the Elvas and also do my Papilio (x self and x Elvas) at home, so we'll see what happens. Of course, even if I get seeds, no finding out till 3 years or so from now, huh?

Thumbnail by scubadoobie
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Well that's a first. I've never hear anyone call an Amaryllis "pregnant" before!

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