Finally putting up my GH

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Hey GH friends,

If you remember from my other thread, I got a GH for Christmas. It arrived in mid January and has been laying on the garage floor this whole time. The weather has not been good, plus we had some family gatherings this past month, so the GH has been on the back burner. We are finally having some nice weather for a week ahead and no other commitments, so DH and I are going to start on this project today. Yippee!!

I have a small question to ask please. Dh and I have read this several times and just can't figure it out. It's regarding the foundation assembly. I need to buy 4x4 rot resistant lumber and then lay the 4 pieces down to create a rectangle with the outside dimensions: 4' 31/2" x 6' 2". Can you tell me how long I need to cut the pieces to create this size? The shorter pieces are placed between the longer pieces. We can get these precut at the lumber store if I have the correct length needed.

I will start taking pictures of our project and will keep you posted.

Wish us

Beaumont, TX

Yay! You're doing it!!!

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)


Over on GW there are several threads with pictures where folks have put up HFGH. Don't know what brand you got but you might find those photos useful


Beaumont, TX

It's this one. from her other thread in case anyone can help. It sounds to me like those ARE the lengths you need to cut those
4 X 4's SoCal. Two of them 6' 2" and the other two 4' 3 1/2" then put the short ones between the long ones, but I've never built one in a kit so I'm no help. Hopefully someone has built one just like yours and can help.

This message was edited Feb 1, 2007 5:19 PM

Beaumont, TX

Subtract the 4" (or whatever that real width of the 4 X 4 is more like 3 1/2") from the inside (shorter ones) TWICE so you end up with the 4' 3 1/2" wide when the longer ones are laid with them. The shorter ones would really be... oh dear I have to do math!!! ..3' 9 1/2" ? Use a calculator I am terrible with math !

This message was edited Feb 1, 2007 5:28 PM

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Alright, Donna! Am glad you are finally going to put it up.

Sorry. Can't help you with the foundation.
Personally, I would get out those base pieces and actually measure them first before going to the store for the 4" timbers. You could even put it together first like in your garage or outside on the driveway and then get an actual measurement.
Yes, you will need to post all kinds of pics, LOL

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

Maid en the shade is pretty close to correct for what you need to do
the treated 4x4's are 3 5/8 or 3 9/16 some are green some are red
cut (2) of them 6 ft 2 inches or 74"
cut the 2 short ones 4'3 1/2" minus the 3 5/8 twice or 7 1/4
or the way i do it is 48+3.5=51.5 - 7.25 is 44.25 or 44 1/4" is 3' 8 1/4"
answer is
(2) pc 74"
(2) pc 44 1/4"


Beaumont, TX

:) Thanks Trevor! I can't do fractions unless they are halfs and quarters. I'd have to actually do it the hard way. Start at the big one and subtract 3.5 then subtract 3.5 physically on the board. My sister and I were laughing the other day about the way I say what I need to cut. "32 and 5/8 and a hair bit." Her husband told her to tell me that was "fat" when it was a hair bit. And she couldn't remember the other when it was less a hair bit. skinny? He said I could be on the money if I had a tape measure with 32nds. I doubt if I'd think any differently tho. Still be "and a hair bit". :)

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

THANK YOU DICK!! I now understand how it should be done. :-) Connie, you were on the right track, but Dick just explained it better. lol

We got the 4 wall corner pieces attached to the foundation piece and the door connected also. We had some small problems with some of the pre drilled holes (holes not drilled or off center), so it took some quality time away from more assemly work. I took a look at some more of the pre drilled holes and found a few more that we might have some problems with....ugh!

We had to quit working about 3pm to pick up my grandson from preschool, but at least the process is in motion. :-))

My DH is going to get the 4x4 wood tomorrow and have it ready for when we do finish putting the GH together. I also think it would be good to finish the GH before finializing the foundation into the ground.

Thanks for all the help and good vibes. I am so excited to get this project up and running. I just hope I know what to do with it when it's finished. lol

Here is a picture of my small GH to be


This message was edited Feb 1, 2007 11:35 PM

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

How exciting! I can't wait to see pictures. Do you have to heat it in your zone? How will you do this? Some day I'd love to have a little one like that. In the winter, when I'd really need it, the leaves would be off the trees in our back yard and it would actually get sun. :)

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

I guess it's about time I show you my pictures of building my GH. Sorry it took so long, but my DH and I just figured out last night how to downsize them, etc. for DG. We have a new photo system and it took us awhile to figure it all out. lol

First picture is of the arrival of my packages.

Thumbnail by SoCal
Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Here I am organizing all the pieces before assembly.

Thumbnail by SoCal
Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

DH and I only had a few hours a day to work on it, as we had other things going on that week. This is what we got done on the first day. We assembled all the base foundation pieces to all the major wall structures. The door is part of the wall structure already.

Thumbnail by SoCal
Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

The next two pictures were done on the same day. First we had to attach all the base pieces to create the actual GH. Then we put the poly panels into the side walls. We had a few bumps in the road with some of the pre drilled holes being off center or just missing altogether. lol

Thumbnail by SoCal
Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

It is starting to look like a GH now.

Thumbnail by SoCal
Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

The next day we put the roof on and also worked on the area where the GH will go.
The GH is finished.

Thumbnail by SoCal
Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

We leveled the dirt area and made a pvc tunnel to put the electric extension cord for inside the GH. There is an outlet on the other side of the fireplace, so we used a very heavy duty (outside type) cord that has 3 outlets attached. We needed to do this before laying down the foundation for the GH.

Thumbnail by SoCal
Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Close up

Thumbnail by SoCal
Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Here is the completed foundation, ready for the GH to sit on top.

How do you pick up and GH, with 2 people, and move it about 8 ft.? VERY carefully!!!

Thumbnail by SoCal
Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

OK, here it is in it's new home...yippee!!! This was just after affixing it to the foundation.

I have been working on the flooring of the GH these last few days. I also had to re-lay many of the hand made pavers that were removed from that area, to the left of the GH. I will take more pics of this today.

Thumbnail by SoCal
Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

After posting all these pictures, I went back to view them and relized that they are not very big. ugh! I guess I still need to work on resizing my pics correctly.


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Donna, congrats on getting the new greenhouse up! It looks awesome and I know you're going to love it!

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

it's looking good Donna
& you will love it
but as you have always heard
you will NEED a larger one soon :-)


Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Donna your greenhouse looks great! btw I don't think you need to worry about re-sizing the pictures for Dave's. I think their computer does this for you.
Congrats on getting it up! Now start filling it up! Soon you'll be like me with no room left to walk or space for a chair.


Beaumont, TX

There it is!!! Yay!! Oh yes ! it needs some greenery in there ! Looks great Donna !

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

congrats on your new GH donna I know you will love it!

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Isn't it just too cute? I know it is small, but that's all I need for starting my seeds in the Spring and holding some of my real tender plants during a cold snap.

If you remember at the beginning of all this talk of size for my small space, take a look at how this 4x6ft GH fits. There is only about 4inches from the front of the gh to the walkway!! I already planted it yesterday with some creeping only grows about 1inch tall, so it won't be in the way of the door, but at least it's not just dirt there.

Mission Viejo, CA(Zone 10a)

Congratulations Donna! It looks great, and it's a perfect fit for that spot. Time to start sowing!

What is that gorgeous pink flower growing on your arbor in the last photo?


Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Yes, I am getting my things together to start the sowing process.

The pink flower you are talking about is actually very red. It is a Red Jade Vine It flowers in the winter and is just finishing up now. I bought it 3 yrs. ago from Logees and I noticed that they don't carry it anymore. It is very tropical.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

That's wonderful! I'm happy for you. There's an awfully big plant inside already!!!!
Congrats my friend.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

All right! You finally got it done!!!
All those pics look great showing how you did it. I really like your level area, LOL

So you are going to have electricity inside? For what? Am just curious.

I will say this. How did you guys see a pink flower on that arbor in the small picture??? Am I blind or what? I would love to really see it.

Now you can start some seed sowing!!! Yeah!

What are you going to use for benches or tables??? Nosy, aren't I, LOL

Looks good tho. Carol

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Hey Carol, you came over to see my little GH? Thanks.
The electricity is for....a fan for my seedlings, my heat mat and also for my small grow lights if needed. My DH said I could use it on a cold day since the GH is warm and I can put a light out there and sit and read a book. lol

If you want to see the red jade vine, click on the link above. I have a picture in the files of it. Yes, I'm surprised she can see that color too.

Regarding the benches. I looked at several places and found one at Loew's that seemed perfect for my small gh. It is a heavy duty 5 shelf plastic shelving unit for $40. It is a stackable type and it was about 6 ft. tall. I built the stacks 3 high on one side, then used the other 2 shelves on the other side. On the 2 tiered shelf, I didn't put the shelf at the bottom first, I put the 4 legs on the ground , then put the shelf and then the other legs and shelf. It made it higher and is a perfect height for me. I have less than 1 ft. between the sides of the shelves and the gh wall. Just enough space to place some pots, or my watering can.

I had to do some housework this morning then my grandson came over this I couldn't get anything started today. I have to babysit him for a few hours tomorrow also, so hopefully by the end of the week, I will have things started...finally. Oh, I can't wait!!.


Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Those shelves sound like they should work then. You will have to take pictures of them when you get them inside after all your visitors, LOL Enjoy your time with your grandson. Tho maybe he can help you in your new greenhouse??? Get in the way, LOL
I am wondering if I will need electricity for a fan. I didn't have one in my old plastic one but.....will need to think. Your idea on using that pvc pipe is a good one.
As for sitting there and relaxing. That sounds good to me! You do need to have some R & R at times and what better place to do it in the pouring down rain and you are cozy inside with your plants, LOL

Mission Viejo, CA(Zone 10a)

Donna, I don't know how cold it was where you are last night but here it got to the low 40's. I wish I had electricity in my GH - you were smart to add that. I had no idea how to keep it warm - all I could think of was a heating pad! So I ran an extension cord out there with the heating pad, turned it on high and laid it in the middle of the floor. I covered the top of the GH with a quilt, then heavy plastic sheeting down to the ground. I checked on it before the sun came up - amazingly enough, it was a good 20 degrees warmer in there.

We're going to have more cold weather - I wish I knew what someone with more experience would do to keep things warm.


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I heat mine with an electric heater--most of the greenhouse supply places sell them. It was able to keep my greenhouse at ~35 degrees when we had our temps in the low 20's earlier this winter (and my greenhouse has a lot of air gaps that I didn't have time to seal very if yours is sealed up better you could probably do even better than that). For most tropicals, temps in the low 40's occasionally isn't going to do much damage--it's once you get frost/below freezing that you'll start to lose things. My stuff spent a week and a half or two weeks with nighttime temps in the greenhouse getting down to 35-ish during our coldest temps, and everything still looks great, no dropping leaves or any other signs of damage. So if you're hitting low 40's even if the greenhouse doesn't keep it more than a degree or two warmer than that I don't think you have anything to worry about.

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)


I think we are both in the same boat regarding the knowledge we need in learning about our new GH's in our climate. I don't know the answers yet of what we should be doing regarding heating the gh, or if we need to even. I think it all depends on what we are using our gh for. Right now I am using it to start my seedlings and cuttings. If I'm using a heat mat for the seedlings, do I still need to heat the gh too? I sure wish we knew someone in our area that had one and could guide us both. lol


Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

i never had heat in mine when i was in FV
i did have a 60 watt light bulb & (6) 4 ft fluorescent fixtures that also put off a little heat
i think your heating pads should suffice for normal winter temps :-)
but i also never did go thru something like this last record breaking freeze
up here i had heaters in my new GH & they worked their butts off
keeping above the freeze but they did it :-)


Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Hi Dick, I thought of you to ask some questions myself. Thanks for your input on the heating issue. Now the question for you is this...did you start seeds for the spring? Then I will ask other questions. lol


Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

in FV ? yes i did
here i have also but not as many :-(
too busy lately :-)

Lewiston, CA(Zone 7b)

Missy, when I had my first GH it was small. 6 X 8' I used candles, like votives in containers that fit them, set on the floor which was gravel in mine. Gravel doesn't burn so I felt safe doing that. I heated my GH the whole winter, when needed, that way. I didn't have elect. to it. 8-10 candles would keep it 40° when ot was 20° out.
I found later, after the small GH, the solid fuels & alcohol type like they use under chafting dishes is much warmer & burns about 8-12 hours. You'd have to use fewer of them. I got a few this winter to try to help in the big GH, they do burn much hotter than candles.
The next year I ran an ext, cord to the small GH & got one of those oil filled elect. heaters, ran it on it's lowest setting & that worked great.
Now I have a large GH 15' X 30' & I still have a heating problem, my same heater on it's hightest setting barely heats it above 35° when it 20° out. I'm going with a propane kicker for this next winter. I find even though it is not freezing, with the temps low, the humidity really causes problems. I lost a few Brugs to mold this winter, when it started warming up & the GH was in the 60s it started drying out & the mold stopped. I'm going to try to keep mine 60 or above next winter.
You probably don't have too many days that you need to heat your GH, so the alcohol burner thing would probably work for you in a pinch.

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