Southern Ice Storm

Dayton, WA

How are you people in Georgia coping with the current ice/snow storm? Has it ruined your gardens? Many of you had already planted certain that correct? Just really curious to know your situation down there. Still cold and quite miserable up here.

Rome, GA(Zone 7b)

Being originally from Chicago I was laughing when I saw the 'ice storm' this morning. Watching people gather supplies and listen to the radio for school closings was priceless. There was a little ice and slush on the ground but most of it melted as soon as it hit the 40 degree soil. I did see a boy make what may have been his first snow/slush ball though.

I had Peas, lettuce and radishes uncovered and they all seem fine. The rest was covered with plastic. They got a little squished but otherwise were alright. Broccoli seemed to take the worst of it because they're about a foot tall and the ice on the plastic smashed them down some.

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

The news sometimes plays up these little winter snafus for lack of anything better (slow news day). Sometimes it is warranted, most times it isn't.

Snowjam back in the early 80's caught everyone off guard and it's been doom and gloom since then.

I just hope this is our token frozen precip for this year. Just watch out for black ice - more accidents occur under these conditions - sometimes multiple accidents in the same location in one day - you would think they would salt the road after the first accident.

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

I found this lovely if mildly annoying. Being a tranplanted Florida native we don't see much frozen precipitation of ANY kind. But most damaging for me were the teen temps the days before - lost my cabbage seedlings, possibly my poppies and my begonias due to a malfunctioning garage door that stayed open all night one night unbeknownst to me. My tea olive flowers all turned brown, but the plant looks okay.

Everything else seems okay. I've never made a slush ball yet :)


Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

I find it funny down here on the coast when the temp is heading into the 20's. The local news will put out a bring the dog inside warning and drip you pipes. LOL.

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