Peacock Fern

Fort White, FL

Recently I purchased a fern that was unknown to me. The garden shop lady recognized it immediately as a Peacock Fern. It fills the pot and looks like it needs to be repotted...or separated. Anyone know about this fern?

Las Cruces, NM

There are some Selaginella that are called "peacock fern". Selaginella uncinata often gets that name, or "peacock spikemoss".

They're not ferns, though.

Patrick Alexader

Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

Joyce Dee,
I agree with paalexan, if you have not already done so check out the plant files for Selaginella uncinata:
You are not alone in your thinking it's a fern...Here's another thread on the same topic:

Fort White, FL

Thanks Patrick for your response. I'm hoping I will be able to learn what to do with my Peacock Fern. It definitely needs some help.

Fort White, FL

Thanks Shadyfolks...I will check out those sites.

Santa Maria, CA

This Selaginella species should do well there outside planted in a humsy soil under full shade though it can prosper with morning sun.
For pot culture I would move it up into a larger pot and try using leaf mold to fill in the empty space. Some mix leaf mold with sand or some even use only gravel. There is also commercial plant mix for azelas that might work though I have not tried this yet. This plant has turned into a weed for me with one plant having survived outside here with lows in the 20s. I have the plant in a glass cookie jar in my greenhouse where it looks great.

Fort White, FL

Jerry: Any chance you could give us a picture of your glass cookie jar?? Sounds interesting.

Santa Maria, CA

Here is an image with the top off.

Thumbnail by JerryCopeland
Fort White, FL

Thanks, Jerry, for the picture. I'll put mine into a larger pot so, I promise. I don't want to lose it.

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