New to area

Wharton, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi everyone, Been here 8 months and so far I love NC. I am searching for some flower shows/sales in the area to chase away the winter blues. I moved here from Cape Cod and will be missing the Boston and Providence flower shows. Also can't find any great nurseries/garden centers that have a good selection of house plants(especially begonias) Any suggestions would be great.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

A bigtime WELCOME TO DG!, fancyflea. You'll love it here!

I'll have to remember exactly where Mooresville is before I can respond but if my mind doesn't cooperate I bet some other members will come to your aid soon!

NC is as different as night and day compared to Boston area, eh? I think you'll enjoy it here, wonderful weather, long summertime season, and great people!

Again, Welcome!

Hickory, NC

hey fancyflea, welcome to nc! a great place to live and grow! i am also new to nc. i am a halfback. went from new york to florida and then came half way back. i'm in hickory, and i dont think you are that far away. there are home and garden shows coming up in hickory and charlotte, but i dont know exactly when. check the convention centers, that is where they usually are held. if you have been here 8 months you know about how hot it gets in july. it is the only month i had to consistently water and check plants daily. i do my dreaming on line. this site has all kinds of web sites you can go to, to see what nurseries have. have fun and best wishes in your new home.

Wharton, TX(Zone 9a)

Thank you for your kind words. Yes I really love the South and the people. I have been taking photos of all the plants I wasn't able to grow in the North since I got here. I fell in love with the cotton fields, magnolia, fig, gardenia, prickley pear and camellias. I also found some sort of citrus tree(very sour) with small yellow fruit and very large thorns. My neighbor had two beautiful white and very large camellia bushes on both sides of her front door that started to bloom end of November. I'm in heaven!!! I live in the old part of Mooresville(near Charlotte) so there are some very old plant specimans around. I did manage to start a Southern Magnolia and here is the photo. Healthy and strong. Also rooted some gardenia from a huge bush next door. I'll send that photo along next.

Thumbnail by fancyflea
Wharton, TX(Zone 9a)

Here are two of the 5 gardenia plants I rooted. I'll be taking more cuttings from other old Carolina plants(with the owners permission of course) this spring, summer and fall. There's much work to be done!!!!

Thumbnail by fancyflea
Manns Harbor, NC

fancyflea - what a coincidence. I work for the National Park Service. Not quite five years ago I moved to the Outer Banks from... Cape Cod National Seashore. I was renting up there and never did any gardening, but since moving to Manns Harbor and buying my own home, I've become an addict. Trust me - you'll start getting used to the warmer weather, shorter winters, and more sunlight real fast. And I have found my community to be full of true southern hospitality.

Sherrills Ford, NC

Have you been by Brawley Company on Main at Linwood? They usually have loads of flowers in March and April. Also there is whole in the wall off of 115 that has lots of perennials. No flower shows here that I have found and I've been here 12 years now.

Wharton, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes I have MariaJ but they don't carry any houseplants. I guess Lowes and Walmart are my best bet. They seem to rotate their houseplants depending on the time of year. Good prices too.

Mooresville, NC(Zone 7b)

Fancy, do you live in downtown Mooresville? I live off Brawley School Rd.
I was reading about your rootings and cuttings and I agree there are a lot of 'old plant specimens'. I would like to try and do some rootings myself. Is it too late now or is any time ok? I got some cuttings from a fig tree that I'm trying to grow. But I heard if there is new grow coming out, it's too late. Is that right?
Good luck on your Maggie and Gardenias...I just love Gardenias!
And welcome to Mooresville! I had no idea you had just moved here. I moved here 6 yrs ago from Charlotte and was there for 10 yrs, coming from Winston-Salem of 15 yrs. I was born in a little town called about some old specimens! (And not just the plants...wink, wink)
Have a great day and stay in touch...I love chatting with people who know there stuff!

Wharton, TX(Zone 9a)
Hi Pinger, Here is a link that might help answer some of your fig questions. I love figs. yum, yum

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi, I'm new to the forum, but lived in Mooresville most of my life. (Now live outside of Raleigh) Welcome to the South. I hope that you will also enjoy lots of gardening outside as well as inside. If you want to see an internationally known garden, come this way the first weekend in May. You may have seen Plant Delights listed in the DG site. Nothing written about it can replace actually seeing it and attending one of its plant sales. A bit pricey, but a collector's dream and you can get loads of information about your relatively new zone.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

bev...WELCOME to the DG!

And yes, Plants Delight is a, well, a DELIGHT! Well worth the visit!

See you around the site!


Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the welcome, Horseshoe. Don't forget...PD's Spring open house starts May 3rd! I'll be there!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

bev...I'll be selling at the mkt that day. Maybe I'll make it over there on Sunday if they are open. Hmmm...maybe we should get some of the other DGers to meet there, eh?


Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

That sounds like a party in the making! What's better than that?? Let me know!

Wharton, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi Bev, Welcome to DG. I know excately where Garner is!! I was there last week looking for a house somewhere in the Raleigh area. I love NC......

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

How did you fare on your house hunt? This area is fantastic. I've been in the Raleigh area since I came up here to NC State. Go Wolfpack!

Wharton, TX(Zone 9a)

Bev, check your dmail

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