what is it ?

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

in the woods next door i have lots of ferns & mosses
many of the fallen dead trees are covered with moss
on this particular one along side one of the paths
there is a symmetrical looking plant growing amongst the moss
i was hoping someone here might recognize it ?
if not i will post on the plant identification forum


Thumbnail by Strever
Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

close up

Thumbnail by Strever
Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

Hi Strever,

It looks very much like Claytonia sibirica

If it is a Claytonia , it could have escaped from a garden.
It has pink flowers. (in Europe it blooms from May to August)

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

i wish it was
but i don't think i am so lucky
more likely a weed :-)


Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

It might be easier to find out it's ID when it starts blooming!

I find the leaves beautiful and interesting. They have an orginal shape and have a nice glossy shine. It combines well with the moss carpet!
Perhaps a nice plant for people with shady and humid gardens.

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

you are correct
it is looking like it may very well be Claytonia sibirica
but almost all of the images on the web are about the flower
also coming to the same conclusion on the plant identification thread


Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

The ultimate test would be to taste it! In Europe it is used in salades.

Santa Maria, CA

The plant is a Montia species.
My first guess would be the common Miner's lettuce, M. perfoliata or one of its varieties.

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

it is delicious :-) much better then iceberg lettuce
but there sure isn't much volume per plant

it has all of the attributes of Montia sibirica & looks just like the image at http://ftp.funet.fi/pub/sci/bio/life/plants/magnoliophyta/magnoliophytina/magnoliopsida/portulacaceae/montia/sibirica-1U.jpg
the flowering stalk does not have the single round leave under the flower like M. perfoliata http://www.enature.com/fieldguides/detail.asp?recnum=WF0908

Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

If you introduce a peace of it (or the seeds) in a shady moist part of your garden, it will multiply very willingly, and you can enjoy it in your salads.
It's not only delicious but also very rich in vitamins, specially vit.C!

The Claytonia perfoliata, also very beautiful and tasty, also grows in European forests.

Santa Maria, CA

Where is Hiouchi, CA
in zone 9a
It is not on any map I can access for California.
M. siberica is perennial. M. perfoliata is annual.
Many species could pass for either on a superficial glance.

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

Hiouchi is approx 12 miles south of the Oregon border near the coast just north of Crescent City
here is a yahoo map http://maps.yahoo.com/#q1=hiouchi%2C+ca.&trf=0&mvt=m&lon=-124.069848&lat=41.791793&mag=4


Santa Maria, CA

guess I am useless with these internet maps. will have to check at msn.com as i do better with theirs. but did check out on google. Hey is Hwy 1 only a two lane road there-presuming Hiouchi is on the hwy??
Ever been over to see the Darlingtonias?

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

do you mean Hwy 101? Hwy 1 stops just above Fort Bragg
yes i have been up to see the Darlingtonia several times on Hwy 199 to Medford
here is an image of the information stand in the parking lot


Thumbnail by Strever
Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

and some of the Darlingtonia

Thumbnail by Strever
Santa Maria, CA

Wow that is really great. Got fascinated with the Cobra lilies as they had a thick stand of them in the greenhouse at HSC. Very nice. I got a plant growing for me here. I use a drip system to help keep the roots cool.

Thumbnail by JerryCopeland

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