Can I use for carnivorous plants?

San Diego, CA

Hi everyone,

I am totally new to carnivorous plants although had a few when I was a child. (Didn't we all?? LOL)
Oh, and during college at the Univ. of Michigan I took a gardening class and we had a field trip to some of Michigan's bogs where pitcher plants and other assorted fellows grew freely. I always loved them though and think I may have a chance to start my own finally.

I am reading conflicting things about whether a covered terrarium is good for carnivorous plants or not. I recently acquired this interesting square glass terrarium and wanted to use it to start a little garden of carnivors. Will this work? Any links to get me started for how to begin?

Finally, anyone have any to trade? I don't have carnivorous but quite a few other exotic plant seeds or cutting...

Let me know and happy gardening!

Thumbnail by shannon71
San Diego, CA

Here's a view from the top! It's super thick glass by the way.

Thumbnail by shannon71

You wouldn't be able to grow the ones you saw growing in bogs in Michigan for any length of time in your terrarium but there are many other species you could certainly try to grow in there. I don't mean to sound all weird or anything but I've had my share of injuries over the years and just wanted to know if you could put tape around the whole edge to that hole in the top or something for when you get ready to work in there. I am thinking about my own klutzy self and visualizing a sliced and diced hand getting in and out of that hole while planting the terrarium. I get these thoughts of playing the game "Operation" only no buzzer is going to sound if the edge is hit with your wrist.

I do think you should be able to grow a few CPs in there. That hole should be enough ventilation. You'll have to watch where you put that terrarium though lest you end up frying what's inside. I don't think a western exposure would be good. Try Drosera or perhaps Pinguicula. If you can wait, I can send you a few Pings. You'd have to wait until about the first of April though or else anything from me might end up dead. It's pretty cold up my way. Otherwise, try your local Home Depot or Lowes. I've seen Pinguicula primuliflora for sale at both of those locations as well as Drosera capensis. They generally charge around $5 per plant.

You might want to clean it out real good then bleach it and rinse it well.

San Diego, CA

Equilibrium-thanks for your message! I thought about that as well and will definitely put something around the edge of that terrarium. Just the thought of slicing my hands open...arrgh! And I was never any good at operation so would definitely default..

And of course, I will clean the terrarium first. I just got it and haven't had a chance yet.

I'd be happy to trade some pings for some other stuff in April. What kind of carnivorous plants should I be looking for to grow in there? Small ones? Heat tolerant ones? Give me an idea and I'll start my search.
Thanks again!

Hey Shannon, I will gladly give you a few that I recently propagated. They need a good home anyway. I don't trade and I don't sell anything because I'm not a nursery.

try your local Home Depot or Lowes. I've seen Pinguicula primuliflora for sale at both of those locations as well as Drosera capensis.
Pinguicula primuliflora and Drosera capensis are both species of carnivorous plants that you could try that would be readily available. Heck, I've even seen them at WalMart and at endcaps of grocery stores. You're new to carnivorous plants so it will take some time familiarizing yourself with the scientific names. Look for Butterworts and Sundews. Those are the common names of the two plants I listed above. You could also contact Tom at Dangerous Plants-
He's about the most affordably priced carnivorous plant nursery I can think of for what you're looking for. Call him up on the phone and tell him you are new and would like some help selecting a few plants. He's a sucker for newbies and he will spend time with you to help make sure you don't kill your purchase.

San Diego, CA

Right on..I'll take your advice and give him a call. Tomorrow is planting day like very Saturday is for me. Way excited! I'll let you know how it goes then and will send photos as the process continues.

Thank you

I love photos! Good for you. Let me know what he suggests.

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