Heucheras - shade & compost

Manns Harbor, NC

I was just reading through some of the threads - I have tried several heucheras but they always seem to die on me. I thought they could take a little sum, but now I understand - NO afternoon sun and add some compost; (any particular kind that I could find like at Ace Hardware?) now one last question; if I have a boggy spot under the shade will that kill them too. Not too much standing water unless we have a really heavy rain but otherwise just stays kind of wet? What do you think?

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Serene----- High heat and humid weather is really bad on some varieties. Some Heuchera are native to high up in Rockies. I Have several Purplr Palace that seem to carry on under any conditions. On the other hand I have lost some like Marmalade and Plum Pudding. You might have to try a few different types before you find some suitable for your area. I also have a Dolce Licorice that gets a lot of afternoon sun and does very very well. This past month the ozarks where I live has had two big ice storms. I have Heuchera like Lime ricky that were covered with at least a inch of ice and they are as green right now as in the summer.

I do not remember off hand what species are from way high up in the mountains. But i know they have been interbred with others and I think that is the r4ason for failure of some of them. People that live in Canada have wonderful suscess with Heuchera. If Ms Eskimo (sansanie) is lurking at this post I hope she gives you some help she is a like a computer with garden info.

Manns Harbor, NC

Thank you Ozarkian - I'll try your recommendations. I had a lime ricky that seemed to be okay for a while but I killed it off as well. I do have a Heuchera Caramel that's hanging in there, but doesn't seem to be thriving. The color could be better. At least now I know it's not just my ineptitude that's killiing them off.

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Keep checking back here because there several of these people grow very fine heuchera.

Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)

Hi Serene222!
All I know for sure with regards to heuchera is they really like good drainage. If they're sitting in wet, I would think that you would risk losing them; they could possibly rot.
As OZ said, hopefully sanannie will come along as she's got really happy heuchs!


White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Hi there Serene,
Holy mackerel, I'm no expert, that's for sure! and hopefully, others more qualified will pop in and comment. Oz, so I'm like a computer, eh? You're too funny! 010100001110101010100

I should only comment on what I've grown but from what I can gather some perform better up here than others. The ones that have americana and villosa in the parentage will probably do best since they are native to the East. Most of the ones for sale nowadays are hybrids and the parentage is not always clear. I guess it's a matter of trusting your local nursery because they would know the ones that are hardy in your area, Serene. Up here, I think our biggest problem is frost heave over the winter, rather than heat and humidity. I think oz has some great advice. My Dolce Licorice does better than most in more sun, too. But none of them get full-on afternoon sun, and the ones in a nice friable soil seem to do better, too.

The Heuchs in more sun like more moisture the more sun they're in, but I agree with Erynne that a boggy spot would probably rot the stem, especially winter wet.

Sorry for your casualities! and I hope this helped a bit.


Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Sandy---- I wish I would have taken a picture of Lime Ricky frozen solid inside about 1/2 inch of clear ice. It looked like one of those plants you see in a glass block they use for paper weights but only a lot larger. It has happened twice this year and the ice just had went away and we got snow that covered it about 4 inches deep for over a week. The snow melted away some today and it is as green as springtime. The same thing happened to Chatterbox and it curled a lot of leaf edges. I feel like that has something to do with parentage. There seems to be a awful lot that has not surfaced yet about Heuchera inbreeding and how the different species react to conditions. I was told buy a horiculterist last summer that a lot of the problem is because tissue culture plants take a long time to develope strength. I will not argue that point but I still think it parentage has a lot to do with it. She was real busy and I did not quiz her about that but I will next trip up there if she is out in the sales area. This lady owns one of the foremost nurseries in Missouri. She is also has many many acres of grapes and a good sized winery.

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Yep, Oz, I think you're right on the money there. Also, I think most of the hybridizing came on strong in the 90's, so there's a lot that's unknown about where a particular variety won't do well.


Manns Harbor, NC

Guys, I tried to find Dolce Licorice in all the main flower shops - Bluestone, forest farm, crownsville, avant gardens, but no luck - is this a heucher or heucherella? Also would it make sense to just grown some in a container garden. If I brought them indoors over the winter would they do okay? I really love these guys and would like to find a way to keep some alive and thriving. Thank you for ALL of your help, it is really appreciated and you're keeping me from making even more mistakes. Sue

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

You might find it listed as simply Heuchera 'Licorice'. From what I understand, Terra Nova introduced it as 'Licorice' and then Proven Winners picked it up and it's now part of their Dolce line that includes Dolce Peach Melba, Dolce Mocha Mint, etc.

I have the Mocha Mint also, and it's beautiful. Well named because the leaves are a very silvery light mint green. Hard to describe. I'll see if I can find a pic...

Here you go. It's only it's first year. It grew an amazing amount, actually.


Thumbnail by sanannie
White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

They do quite well in containers. I had a Heucherella in one last year. And I remember seeing some awesome containers by rcn48 that had heuchera and hosta. http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/541501/

I wouldn't bring them inside, though, if I was you. It seems to me they would need the dormant period and cold that they'd only get outdoors. I just plunked mine in the garden to spend the winter. I'm in zone 4b and I've only ever sunk pots in the ground and I don't know if things are different in your zone, but I've never tried a Heuchera in a container above ground over the winter. Although I've never tried this, the biggest problem I could see with leaving them in the container overwinter would be the matting of leaves in the fall and then accumulation of snow would spell slow drainage which would kill them for sure. I've heard of tipping pots, but hopefully someone from your area will chime in if they've had experience with this.


Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Sandy----- I would never argue with you Ms Eskimo but I think Dolce is a seperate company from Terra Nova. If I recall right Dolce is a registared trademark for Proven Winners. I think they also hold patent rights on all Dolce line.

Sue---- Just go to your search engine and ask for Dolce Licorice and you will get a bunch of hits to growers for it. You might want to check The below site of Proven winners as well. They have a link in the upper left coener to help you find retailers for their plants.


White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Mr. oz, well that's what I said, silly! At least that's what I was tryin' to say..... or did you lose those glasses again? LOL Good luck on a source, Sue.

Sandy (aka Ms. Eskimo) brrrrr

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Now that I look at thr post again I do not know how I thought that. I am pretty tired. Between keeping the stove going (eliminates a lot of money spent on electric) , deicing around the dock, and bowling everyday thru Monday in a locale tournament and league that started friday. That must be why I did not read it right.

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

oz, no worries! LOL Sounds like you need to rest and rejuvenate. How about a nice, big, long snooze ... but win the tournament first!

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

I sure neede something. That is for sure.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

We all need spring so we can go outside and putter in the yards

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

You are SO right! Might keep us out of trouble too...hehe

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

What kind of trouble Mrs Eskimo???????????????????

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Yes, I suppose I should speak for myself. It involves no exercise, a computer, a credit card and a new garden to fill.

I'm hoping to get Cinnibar Silver this year.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Doing a new garden is plenty of exercise

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