That Llama Pellet Gig

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Remember I was all excited about getting the llama pellets? Well, we finally got a dialog going, he came back from out of town and promised to get them set out for me. I waited and waited......finally this morning as I go by his place on my way into work I see some buckets sitting by the fence. Stop on the way home. Not my buckets. Weird. I leave them, come home and call him.

Someone stole 8 buckets of llama poop so he had to replace my buckets with some of his. Do you believe that? Stealing llama pellets. Crikey!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Mary: You got off easy. My Lama connection will expect me to haul off a least 3 pick up loads once I start. Thats a lot of poop.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

That may be a lot of poop, but it's of especially fine quality for the garden!
You two are blessed.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Oh yeah, I know I've got a good thing going, I'm just amazed that someone would steal llama poop.......especially when the guy's giving it away if you just bring your own bucket. What a world!

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

I just hope it was a gardener and not some teenager who's going to use it for... well, you know.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Ummmm gosh.....I'm too old. What would a teenager use llama pellets for? Can they make meth from it??????

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

No, but they could put it in bags and tuck it places people wouldn't want to find it. Or light it on fire, so when someone stomps on it they'll get poo all over a shoe... just general mischief.

No, it's not one of the ingredients in meth! But I wouldn't put it past some of them to smoke it anyway.

Guerneville, CA(Zone 9a)

Mary I can't believe someone stole your LLAMA POOP! Looked this thread up to check your progress and whamoo. What a SHAME ON THE POOP THIEF!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Ya know......I'm not sure what happened there. We have finally got a regular bucket brigade going and it's working well. I drop buckets outside the horse pen on my way in to work and they are usually waiting for me on my way home the following day. And it seems to me (by the stains on it) that one of the lids on a replacement bucket is one of my old ones. I think things got messed up somewhere and that was an easy explanation.'ll be a mystery of the universe forever I guess. Now I'm using a bunch of square kittly litter buckets. They stack nicely because of the square-ness.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I, too, am a great fan of llama poop. No one around here seems to want it. They all ask me if it will hurt my plants. I tell them no, but am not raving too much about it because there aren't that many llamas around here and I want it all myself! ( That's not quite as bad as stealing it.)

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