Amaryllis 'Picotee'

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

A first for me. Purchased from B&B's.

Two days ago...

Thumbnail by kbaumle
Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

And today...

Thumbnail by kbaumle
Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Oh you lucky thing! I've lusted after this one for years, and bought it many times, only to have it turn out to be something else. It's so very special. One day I will have it... :)

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)


Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

That has a really good picotee, and a lovely green throat. Lucky you!

It took me a while to work out you rfirst pic, I thought it was a strange opened flower! Interesting shot.

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

I've had it on my list for awhile, too. It really IS lovely, and the second flower stalk of one of my 'San Remo' bulbs is even lovelier than the first. Deeper color. Amaryllis are one good thing about winter, and they help save my sanity. LOL

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