Ketään Suomesta?

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Onko täällä ketään suomalaisia/suomea puhuvia? Olis kiva tietää...

Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)


Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

you are asking if there are any finnish speakers?


Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)


This message was edited Jan 2, 2004 3:42 AM

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

no, no course not, it's a language i've always been interested in learning! and i've always wanted to go there too!


Macclesfield, CHESHIRE(Zone 8a)

Hi Evert,

Didn't someone say the language of flowers is international.

I saw your post on GW re trading with Europe and tried to post a reply but, as usual, Spike deleted it. Dont be deterred by the paranoia; there is ABSOLUTELY no evidence that seeds can transmit the disease. I have recently sent a number of cuttings/seedlings to the US. Declared them as soilless etc.. They all got through and without any problems, so it seems the US Customs dont have a hang up about "trading" with Europe.

El Tel

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

:-) Yep... and I wonde how could the disease spread with seeds, if we don't even have it here! odd.... I've just snd some dahlia roots which I purchased fro the shop and cuttings and little plants. OK.. It seems that here isn't any other Finnish? :-]

Macclesfield, CHESHIRE(Zone 8a)

Looks like your post got puled as well !! Free speech (in any language) is great, isnt it.

El Tel

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

yep, great now I can't write anything to GW anymore... So, I'll start new life here... I wrote to spike and he replied:


Why are you giving me a hard time about the trading????

Take care,

Spike Hernandez, Webmaster


And I didn't even put any essages to the international seed message board!! He just banned me... I put information and my photos to the plant database.. He shoudl delete them too, if he don't like me to be there!!!

Yes, life is great isn't it?


That's terrible! I'm sorry this has happened and it doesn't make sense. I think more people might be joining you over here, myself included. The african tulip tree seeds you sent me have started to sprout. :-)


Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

well, we're glad to have you here evert, even if I can't speak Finnish:)

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Yep.... And then some from outside europe (mostly USA) writes to the europe forum, it doesn't matter Spike... Really annoying. He even won't delete the messages there.. .Is this fair?

Deborah, my att is nice about 10 cm tall and growing fast. it's in own pot under my cocoa tree :-)

:-) Ah, hope! I sure can't figure out what's going on over at GW but it's weird. I noticed the american(s) writing in the european forum, too, and wondered why it wasn't deleted. I also saw people from europe writing in the general seed trade section and, as far as I could tell, there didn't seem to be a problem. I really don't get it but I've decided to try over here instead.

Hi everybody! We all spoke on "that other forum". I posted the question about trading with Europe. I answered a woman's post about seed she had to trade (she's from Scotland), and Spike promptly emailed me, telling me that trading between US and UK was not allowed there. Then he deleted MY post, but not the original poster or the people who posted after me! Makes sense, huh? I also don't believe this disease is spread through seed, either. Anyway, more and more people are finding their way here. Hope to trade with some of you! And it's nice to know I won't be banned here! :)

Chatsworth, GA(Zone 7a)

I posted a reply to Doris' question 'over there' and got my warning, too. I don't trade plants or cuttings at all, out of the country, only seeds, and I agree that seeds don't seem to pose any threat. I've also noticed several postings that were not US originated, lots of people posting to offer trades and nobody being deleted or reprimanded. Weird! A friend sent me over here and I'm slowly referring all my trades that come through on their end to this site as well. Transferring my seed and plant lists is going to be a big job, lol, but I'll get them here eventually.
Happy gardening, hope to trade with you soon!

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

I sent a message to spike..

>Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 11:47:34 +0300
>From: 'Evert Nylund'
>Subject: please

>I hope that you delete my membership from gardenweb and all my photos
>from the plant database because I and many of my friends don't want to
>be part of gardenweb anymore!'! Davesgarden rules. I posted to finnish
>gardenweb about what is going on in GW and now all hate u!
>Have a nice and lonely life with members which give you contributing



Maintaining a community as large and diverse as GardenWeb requires that there be rules of behavior so that one's actions do not infringe on the rights of the community as a whole. These rules are made clear in the instructions, the user agreement and other such documents presented when visitors submit material to the site.

In situations where these rules have been breached, action must be taken, no matter how regretful that may be.

In most cases, warnings are issued. But in egregious cases, or when warnings have been ignored, we must resort to blocking submissions from the individuals involved. While this is a painful step for everyone involved, sometimes we are left with no other option.

We mean this as no reflection on the individual involved, or their character. It is simply a necessary measure when dealing with a community as diverse as ours.

Take care,

Spike Hernandez, Webmaster


I didn't understand his message because of my bad english... great..

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

Martela, it's good to have you here!

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

I received a warning when I posted a reply to someone who had asked about trading with Europe! What is the matter with him? I heard on a farm program here, that we had foot and mouth disease in the US in 1934!!

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Oili, sua ei oo näkyny vähään aikaan täällä... Ooksä viel tääl? Hmm,.... tylsä meininki.

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