moving/pruning unknown type of clematis

Portland, OR

I need to move an unknown variety of clematis. It had purplish medium size blooms this summer but I have no idea what kind it is. It is in an area that was too shady and was plagued with powdery mildew!!!! Can I move it now??? (I'm in zone 8) And without knowing what type it is can I prune it down before I move it?

Libby, MT(Zone 4b)

Hi dirttiger, I'm not sure what kind of clematis you have, but I can tell you my experience here in Montana with transplanting clematis. I moved one about 3 years ago from one spot in my garden to another, and it is still alive. Last summer during the heat of the summer, I wanted to move my arbor and my clematis, and I did not want to wait till fall or spring. I just made sure I got most of the rootball and put it in my predug hole and watered real good. I watered alot the rest of the summer. By the end of summer, it was already growing green leaves and climbing the tree I put it next to. It was a type 2 clematis called the president. I seem to move alot of plants whenever I feel like it and they do fine.
I pruned mine before I moved it. It makes moving it so much easier.

Portland, OR

Thanks DM! While waiting for an answer from someone I did prune it but I haven't moved it yet. I am a little worried about moving it in case we get another cold snap here. Do you know if a freshly moved clematis is more fragile to cold temps?

Libby, MT(Zone 4b)

I'am not sure about moving it during a cold snap. I personally would not move any plant that I thought might get froze. I think cold might be okay, but freezing wouldn't. But I have never tried it so am not 100% sure. By the way I have family in Portland and Gresham. The roses there are beautiful. Hope this helps.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm in Zone 8B and I move or plant my Clematis around the end of February/early Spring....While they are dormant and the weather is still cool is best for them...just make sure once you transplant... make sure and plant it just a little bit deep and that you keep them's critical for their survival in their new home...Jeanne

This message was edited Feb 4, 2007 9:59 AM

Denver, CO

Moving a plant in a cold snap- I can think of two things: One, it will be stressed, and in the middle of a cold snap just seems a bad time to sever roots and all. Two- moving a plant may promote its growth, which will be damaged by the cold. Mid to late February will probably be a good time for you. Just wait a few weeks.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I would move your Clematis in early Spring, if your Summer temps are mild and you have sufficient precipitation. Remember to keep it well watered & mulched, if Mother Nature doesn't provide the moisture. It should be fine, but it may take a couple of seasons to rebound.

Sanford, MI

I'm in zone 5, Michigan. Central part of the state. Want to find out if it is normal for a Clamatis to flower and kind of dry up before the middle of the summer. The flowers were great while they lasted.

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

What do you mean "dry up?" As in the flower fades and goes to seed or the vines dry up and die off? :)


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

gardenerbill: Are you trying to describe Clematis Wilt?

Charlevoix, MI(Zone 4b)

I stumbled across this thread. My MIL has two clematis planted near a chain link fence. They've been there several years and have never been pruned. My question is...should we prune them without knowing what kind of clematis they are or should we leave them alone until we can ID them?

Thanks so much,

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

MsKatt: Do you happen to have a picture of the two Clematis planted near your MIL's fence? If they haven't been pruned in several years and have that "unkept" look, they probably would do well with a pruning. I would probably treat them as a Group 2 Clematis and do a light pruning this year. See how it responds and then you can decide if you will continue with light prunings in the future or treat it as a Group 3 and try a hard prune. Fertilizing the vines with either Rose or Tomato food at the time of pruning will also increase your flower count.

Good Luck!

Portland, OR

Just wanted everyone to know that I moved my Clematis about mid Feb. and it is doing great!!!! Thanks for everyones advice!

Charlevoix, MI(Zone 4b)

Unfortunately, Shirley, I don't have a pic of the clematis at my MIL's house. I think I will do a light pruning on them...when is a good time to do it?


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa DirtTIger..Good news!!...Jeanne

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

MsKatt: Now is the perfect time to prune your Clematis & also fertilize them.

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