To cover or not to cover that is the question.

Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

My prized daphne (about 12' around and over 4' tall) is in full spectacular bloom. The warm weather we had earlier resulted in its blooming all at once, rather than in a staggered way, as usual. Am not worried really about losing the plant (not from a few frigid hours, at any rate), but really would hate to lose all those blooms in one fell swoop. I can rig a "tent", using a couple of old screen door frames and a heavy blue tarp, but don't know whether or not that would help.... or possibly even hurt. We also have a couple of smaller daphnes, only a couple of feet high. They are also in full bloom. Should I cover them with a black plastic bag?
Suggestions would be welcome!

Plastic bags are OK, but I find sheets are better unless it's raining. I keep a stash of old sheets and pillowcases for covering if necessary. Old shower curtains if we are getting a freezing rain with it. I put the sheets on first, the plastic on next.
I hold them all on with a few garden stakes to keep the plastic off the plant, and laundry pegs to hold it all down in wind!

For things I cover all winter, I use tree pots upside down, with lightly fluffed dry leaves inside and a brick on top. Not elegant, but it works!


Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Jo, I don't think that you have to worry about the daphnes freezing, but if you would feel better, then I agree with GGG, about the old sheet. That does not conduct the cold directly to the plant.I know of the daphne albo-marginata, growing in N michigan, now thats cold. Mike

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