Gladiolus question

Cordele, GA

If glads are not dug and stored for the winter and survive in the beds, when will they bloom?

I found red glads in a ditch last summer and transplanted some of them to my yard. When I say a ditch I mean that literally. They were coming up in a weedy ditch with neither field, house nor church with in a mile. The shape of them is like a florist glad but they are not the big ruffled type being sold now. I figure them for a heritage glad or a seedling. Their foliage today is about a foot tall. If the corms are mature enough to bloom when could I expect to see some color? Do glads bloom around the time of the asiatic lilies?


Beth, my glads are perfectly winter hardy here in good, ammended well drained soil. As a matter of fact. Mine multiply like rabbits.
They bloom at various times, usually in May/June.

I'm in Atlanta, I'm not sure where Cordele is,


Thomasville, GA(Zone 8b)

girlgroupgirl- She's south of you so she should be fine. By the way I think you may be in 8a rather than 8b

Beth- are they red or orange? My orange heritage Parrot Glads bloom in spring, my others bloom in summer. I would be tickled to see a red heritage or wildling glad....

Cordele, GA

Fire truck red with slender stalks (compared to the florist glads). The shape of the bloom looks like a florist glad but no ruffled edges and smaller. Very unlikely to be a wild form in this area, however it could be a pass along from Grandma's garden or great grandma's. If they off set this year I will send you some cormlets.


Cordele, GA

If I remember correctly, they look somewhat like the one listed as 'Atom' on Old House Gardens' website. That is the flowem form and I think they had that white edge. I will try to check it out when/if they bloom for me this year. I dug them up while they were blooming and may have set maturity of the corms back some, since they were not very happy to lose so many of their feeder roots.

I want gladiolus 'Boone' , but it is out of my price range for now. I saw that one in bloom at the Atlanta Bot gardens and it is lovely.


Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

I got all my glads from blooming bulb.. can't remember the variety and they to tend to fall over.. I go ahead and cut the flowers and bring them in or give them away when that happens. They do make great cut flowers, but do yalls fall over too? I also have seen them plated in clumps and it seems that maybe the sheer numbers keep them more upright??


Conyers, GA(Zone 7b)

My gladiolus fall over. I tried planting some in front of a fence thinking the protection from wind would help them stay upright. It didn't help. Last year I added support for them. It kept them from falling over completely but didn't keep them straight.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

HA... and wouldn't you know I bought more of them today and of course they were standing up in the picture!


Thomson, GA

I planted glads in various spots all over the yard last year, for the express purpose of using them as cut flowers. I will be planting lots more this year, and may actually leave some in the yard, LOL. I gave up trying to keep them from falling over, if they do, inside they come!

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Turtle_35206 ~ If I may? Do these look like the ones you found?

I found some of these in the ditch here... same zone. If these are what you found, they will bloom in the spring. I would bet that even regular glads can be left in ground in your zone. If these survived in the wild they will do fine in your flower beds. pod

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

WOW! In a ditch?? Those are lovely!! Good for you!! :)


Cordele, GA

No, Pod. I wish I could find some of those in a ditch. These are red with a thin, wire rim of light color either white or maybe yellow. They are tall and slender. The growth habit is like a florist or garden glad, however they don't have the overblown texture of those with the ruffled petals and largeer blooms. I think that I dug them in June, and I had first noticed them in late May. Hummm. I just answered my own question, didn't I?

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