Resourse for molasses and calcium

Argyle, TX(Zone 7b)

Where is a good place to buy a large amount of molasses for making compost tea? Where is a good place to buy a large amount of calcium to help with blossum end rot? (I know that correct watering is the main thing) Thanks, Mike

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Any feed for large animals places uses bulk molasses and you can get it pretty cheap. Grain mills, comercial feed mix manufactures, and often any retail horsey places.

Argyle, TX(Zone 7b)

Thanks Soferdig. I never would have thought of that. I will try a feed store.

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

If your soil's pH is too high to add more lime, you can use gypsum (calcium sulfate) instead. It's available in boxes and bags in most garden centers.

Carolyn has pretty much convinced me that spraying calcium solution onto the plant or the fruit won't do much for BER.


Argyle, TX(Zone 7b)

Thanks Bobby. I will keep my eyes open for that next time I am in one. My PH was high last spring but I added sulphur then and this past fall I added a whole lot of semi composted horse manure mixed with saw dust which I understand raises the PH so I would not mind having calcium sulfate. I have found 30 pounds of calcium nitrate on ebay but my concerne with that is I do not want to give my watermelons too much nitrogen. Last year most of my watermelons in my side garden had BER. I had a garden in the back pasture with those baby watermelons that di good but I forgot they were suppossed to be small and most were over ripe when I finally picked them. This is my second year gardening and I bought alot of carolina cross 123 seeds and I would like to get a couple over 50lbs. They can get over 250lbs but not likely with my soil and lack of experience. I would like to have some pure calcium though. Thanks again, Mike

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Mike, you may want to consider adding some micronized calcium carbonate to bring the soil calcium levels up or using it in a foliar blend.

Argyle, TX(Zone 7b)

Sounds good to me, but where can I get it? Thanks

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Here is one source, Peaceful Valley Farm Supply. I recommend checking at farm supply stores in your area to see if they carry something like this locally or if they will order for you. Be sure to read the label carefully to be sure you are actually getting calcium carbonate and not something labeled CCE for Calcium Carbonate Equivalent, which may actually be magnesium or some other substance that will not have the same effect on your plants.

Argyle, TX(Zone 7b)

Hi mermaid,thanks for the link. I printed off that page and will take it to a garden or feed store to see if I can get it locally.

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