Organic Fertilizer Misty Grower?

Donna in Douglas, GA(Zone 8b)

Have you used Misty Grower Orangic Fertilizer before? I just made a purchase, but haven't started using yet. Any comments, pro's & con's would love to hear?

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

What is it made of, any list of ingredients? Don't think I've ever seen it for sale.

Donna in Douglas, GA(Zone 8b)

It's made of pelleted poultry litter (4-2-2)

I attend GGIA trade show in Athens this pass week. The class on annuals & perennials speaker was from Post Properties of Atlanta. Which Post Pro. has gone completely organic, and use Misty Grower in all there landscaping. From what I understand Post Properties is very BIG outfit, and very BIG on landscaping and design.
I don't get to Atlanta much, but there photos were breath taking. A BIG WOW!

Misty Grower had a booth at the Trade Show so I had a long chat with the owner. Mr. Clelland Tyson from Lavonia, Ga. and purchase 250 lbs of Misty Grower. As you can see from my purchase I was SOLD on it.

I'm going to start a few salvia trail beds with Misty Grower and without using it. Hopefully with in a 8-12 week study I should be able to tell a big differents.

roseone33, if you would like I'll be happy to share 5 pounds of Misty Grower with you for postage. So you can do
your on trails with it. You can make a Misty Grower Tea using 5 lbs of MG with 55 gallons of water. If you interested just d-mail your addy! Check out MG website as alot of information.


Lebanon, NJ

try terra foods

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

gapeahen, thanks, but I think I'll stick with my mulch and various amendments I'm more familiar with. Best wishes for success with it.

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